sarNie Oldmaid
I live in Sacramento, CA and I do not support this "LAST" peace rally or whatever they're calling it this time.
Therefore i am not going. **** Hate me all you want people but this is my opinion.
First of all, I think GVP and the rest of the men are guilty for what they did. I can be wrong but
from what i heard and know from reading the newspaper. They have evidences of GVP and the men plotting to take over Laos.
They found information, on what to do on each day. And they even found guns at one of the men house too. There, I cannot support such violent people. Can you?
I am Hmong and i respect my people and GVP but if you are wrong for what you did or plan to do and even get "CAUGHT",
I will not support you at all. These types of contradicting act is what cause non-Hmong to disrespect us.
And for what i know, most Hmong parents are forcing their kids to go to Monday's Rally, when they have school.
What happen to education? lol this is ridiculous. Hmong parents who does not know much english has no idea what is going on, for all they care is, GVP brought them to the U.S so they need to go support him on Monday.
Did they stop and think, what he (they) did was wrong????
**On the other hand, I also understand why GVP did what he did. To help the Hmong people in the Jungle from
getting killed??? I hope so..
I hope that is the only reason, rather than to take over laos and try to take what was never ours.
So, this is my opinion... What's yours? are you going to the Rally? supporting the rally, yes or no?

Therefore i am not going. **** Hate me all you want people but this is my opinion.
First of all, I think GVP and the rest of the men are guilty for what they did. I can be wrong but
from what i heard and know from reading the newspaper. They have evidences of GVP and the men plotting to take over Laos.
They found information, on what to do on each day. And they even found guns at one of the men house too. There, I cannot support such violent people. Can you?
I am Hmong and i respect my people and GVP but if you are wrong for what you did or plan to do and even get "CAUGHT",
I will not support you at all. These types of contradicting act is what cause non-Hmong to disrespect us.
And for what i know, most Hmong parents are forcing their kids to go to Monday's Rally, when they have school.
What happen to education? lol this is ridiculous. Hmong parents who does not know much english has no idea what is going on, for all they care is, GVP brought them to the U.S so they need to go support him on Monday.
Did they stop and think, what he (they) did was wrong????
**On the other hand, I also understand why GVP did what he did. To help the Hmong people in the Jungle from
getting killed??? I hope so..
I hope that is the only reason, rather than to take over laos and try to take what was never ours.
So, this is my opinion... What's yours? are you going to the Rally? supporting the rally, yes or no?