*sigh* like i said... khem = good or not, i don't know... i am just going with what i know. and good, i did get something into your eyes after repeating it several time, sometimes it takes time to digest, i know. ok i'd like to know your knowledge of the last line so it can better educate me since you are obviously pinned with the latest news.
ok i concur that their reaction may be typical. but their approach isn't so appropriate, and this is what i'm trying to get readers to understand. as they are supposed to set a role to the kids who idolize them.
and don't make assumption about me if you don't know me well.

it only shows me how great you are yourself. and how defensive you are being because i called her a bitch... and so? i've already made several remarks on this, and said i am wrong for calling her that and that was my opinion. but excuse me if there is a die hard fan base of aum here, too bad i'm not her groupie and will not sit here and act like this is life and death to me, when it is not.
you might want to watch that talk show a few more times aside from what u might've, i think she was referring to the friend, when she said "i've seen her on television, but i've never saw her in person" ...i don't think she meant i don't know who aum and may are. because like u said, it's quite a lame excuse.
right, so u understand that the car should go back to num. so i don't have to explain myself another few times.
i can't stop you from your opinions.
and i have yet said "i am right, listen to me". like you, i am stating my opinion from what i am aware of.
and yes like i've said several times, i know you are WELL aware of the situation, more or so than the person itself i suppose.
um i guess i didn't give you time to digest the massive information. the car, is num's technically...but it's under may's name, num's been driving it and possessing the car. although it's under her name she didn't really drive it and care for it anyways. the car symbolizes num, being in possession of the car might seem as being in possession of num, so hence she wants the car back... do u get it yet, or must i explain it even more? true it's bluntly said everywhere that they were fighting for the car, but do u really think it's about the car? ok and if u've just answered yes. end of story, because u might need some more time to digest the information. i'll give u the whole weekend, how's that?
and i wanted to add... ok blame the girl because the guy goes and give her his car to use. now that might seem like i'm taking sides, but it's like i'm saying he gave me a cookie, if he didn't want me to eat it why did he offer? right? or again am i wrong?
ahh forgot to add, and it wasn't just khem's story i was looking after, i was looking after num's hideous lies and confessions in his interviews also.