[MBC] 100 Year's Inheritance


Expired Sarnie
So I'm assuming SY mother switched child? But why didn't the nun do anything about it if she knew all along? Anyways the secret behind SY mother is ridiculous and it is being forced into the plot. Or it could be that the actress that portrayed SY mother is not a very good actress.

I sor of wish CW succeed on her own without SY connection. For example she takes part in a competition not in SY company. I don't like where his is going.


Expired Sarnie
wasted 48 hrs of my life. y not watch 2 more hours of disappointment lol this wknd things will finally end. i give this a 3 out of 10. haha


Staff member
I'm like 30 eps in and.. it's so freaken annoying how weak Chae Won is.. Like must I see her get tortured every single day and scene?  Aish!!  Don't know if I want to finish this... ahhhh.


Expired Sarnie
^Stop while you can. This drama drove me crazy. Not crazy in a good way but crazy in a bad way. I can never get back that 50 hours! Save yourself that other 20 hours.