[MBC] Goong (Princess Hour)


sarNie Elites
zaizai_f4_only said:
this week on wednesday is eps 21 so i guess 21 is not out yet ^ ^
thanks :sweat: because i lost in track of the dates, though.. hehe somehow i kinda wish its ended 20 episodes... it's like knowing the ending instead of waiting for ending. -_-


sarNie Elites
maijune said:
me too...i'm waiting for epi 21...can someone upload it when it's out...pleasezzzzzzzzzzzz........
it's not out yet.. it will be out by tmw... then epi22 will be on thurs. gosh hurry!!


sarNie Elites
i'm uploading episode 21 right now... so brb in about 2 hrs 30 mins. i only have 160MB version which considers as MQ. the link i will be using uploading.com instead of sendspace. since uploading.com lasts LONGER even if it's in inactivity. :D

or if you want to get it now then go to soompi before their ysi gets blocked FAST! :rolleyes:


sarNie Juvenile
no worries kit kat ..ehuehueh ^ ^ wow i guess u r waiting for it (eps21) hey?! ahhahaha i just wake up and go to cb strait away hahahhahah

so wat do u think about eps 21? i guess the first bit will b interesting since shin says"S..........." ehuehuehueh u noe wat i mean ryt?! ^ ^

yey 2nite is going to b eps 22 ....

i noe its kinda too draggy now this movie **tats wat most of the ppl think now**

and i heard that from soompi eps 23 will b soooooooooooooo saddddddddddddddd and we need a bunch of tissueee when we watch tat eps...
here's a quote from soompi :(
WARNING: People who are going to watch ep. 23...plz bring a whole box of tissue with you cuz..it's mite make pplz break down and cry..cuz it's a really sad epizode..worst then the others! I"m warning you now!

and i heard that the ending is going to be weird!.....not a good one.....so ...if we really want 2 see wut wiill happen next..we have 2 wait for the seaason 2!

P.S. i really think they are dragging this......to go onto 2nd season..but can't they make something..a little happier??
p.s.s i seriously miss CG laughter and smile!!..plz PD can CG smile one last time before this season ends??


sarNie Elites
^yeah i read that one from soompi, too! gosh i don't want it to be same as sweet spy where the ending isn't finished! that's why i hate sequels only if the ending isn't clear. ughhh... i guess it will happen to goong, too? oh man it would make me sooo impatient and pissed a bit!

i just saw one picture of episode 22 where there's fire... gosh it's getting excitement and anxious at same time! hopefully, it dont drag too much just like epi21.. <_<

i can't wait for tonight but probably wouldn't be able to d/l it since i have school and soompi ysi links usually went blocked that fast. ALWAYS THURSDAYS.. not wednesdays... weird..


sarNie Adult
i just heard that they're extending the serie to 30 episodes. did anyone hear about this? honestly, i hope it isn't true, is a second season necessary if they go all the way to episode 30? what will they make out of it? anyways, sorry for so many questions. i have only seen goong to episode 17. some parts drag on so i only move on to the parts with CG and Shin. lol. My sister says that SHin isn't that good looking but i think if you continue to watch him you'll see how hot he really is. that's what happened to me. lol. when my sister first saw him walk she was like: "he's a model isn't he?" she knew right off the bat that he was a model because of how he walked.

yul...i'm starting to dislike him. PLEASE STOP COMING BETWEEN THEM! i'm starting to dislike CG too because she doesn't seem to understand her feelings. PICK SOMEONE DAMN IT!! Shin...he needs to stop SEEING HYORIN and CONFESS to CG. Hyorin...stop playing around and move on for God's sake.

truthfully, i'm kinda getting tired of listening to all the problems that the characters face...they should end it soon...i'm not looking forward to a second season. SORRY, i sound like i'm a goong hater but really i'm not. i just feel that they're promoting this drama too much and its kinda boring me.


1TYM hwaiting!
^I hope that's not true...I don't think I can stand it anymore if it goes up to episode 30. I'm only at episode 16 and I already feel like pulling my hair out. I mean I really think that Shin and CG are really cute together but they the storyline is just getting so annoying, bringing in all these other extra events to get into their way. I really wish it would just end already.


sarNie Hatchling
ahha it seems like everyone ready for this drama to end ahahlol... as for me I'm still on 16.. i really don't know what happening much.. it just ended where Shin was going to see Hyorin at the hotel.. ahhalol I'm waiting for it to end before i finish the whole sereis.. cause i agree i hate it when it drags and you cant watch the next eps...

everyone fighting and voting on who Eunhye should pick ahahlol.. to me she mind as well go for Yul since he loves her.. but than if she went with him so fast the story wouldnt be so good hahalol.. and Shin is so Stupid sometimes.. gosh will u pick a girl already ahahlol..

mang its like a big O love square ahahlol


sarNie Egg
i'm only on episode 17 b/c i'm waiting for the english subtitles. i agree that right now, goong is kinda draggin' abit. there's nothing that exciting.....but, i'm still addicted to this drama b/c i love cg and shin!!....from reading the posts at soompi, many viewers are frustrated at cg and shin for not revealing the truth to each other. i can understand why some ppl want the show to quickly end b/c of these reasons. but, we have to also take into consideration that it's a drama......and dramas are suppose to make viewers want to pull their hair out and punch the television screen.....and that's what we should expect from goong.....the happy, squirmy, moments and the frustrating, heated moments. in the end, that is what makes it good drama!!

anyhow......i'm in the process of uploading episode 22 for those who haven't seen it yet. (i haven't watch it myself) i'll post it within a few minutes.


sarNie Elites
i totally agree with almost everyone in here...

this drama has gotten TOO DRAMATIC....

things are getting boring and not as interesting to watch anymore... and IF this is going to continue onto a second season... GEESH... i'll be sooo pissed... i spent hours waiting for each episodes and if i have to until next season to find out what will happen... i'll go crazy!!!