sarNie Adult
Ahhhh I feel ya Hahhaha I had literally opened my eyes this morning and saw this... I would be less annoyed if this is just a rebound.
Oh and thanks for the link to the blog, I've never heard of it before it looks great!
Ahhhh I feel ya Hahhaha I had literally opened my eyes this morning and saw this... I would be less annoyed if this is just a rebound.
Lol she's tried to get a divorce, but she can't because he always postpones or he always ditches the meeting -.-" but I still think she should "fong ya" or file a divorce suit against him that seems to be her only option at this point.
Lol Lome, I feel sorry for Orn not because she is heartbroken, but because she puts herself in that situation. She knew from the start that Root is a jackass. I mean come on the guy is married and he NEVER ever complains about Wee being a bad wife! So she should have picked up the clues when Root decided to sleep with her ass, but yet maintain a stable life with his wife. It would have been somewhat understanding but not justifiable if Root would complain that Wee is a bad wife and such, but he's not he never gave anyone signs that he was going to leave Wee. So all in all even if Root is a freaking jackarse bastard to the core these girls are half to blame for trying to sleep with other people's husbands.awww.. why am I feeling sorry for the homewrecker, Orn? lol... when she broke down in episode 12, I feel bad for her. The girl is obsessed with that dog.
And as for Wee... I'm on her side, but I'm getting so annoyed at how she keeps helping Noodee when maybe she needs to help jerself first??
Ahh... I dunno..
i'm loving this lakorn too. maybe because it's actually something different from the rest. i like all these actors and actresses..they can really act! can't wait for it to end so i can order a copy for myself from ebay!!lol... I dunno about you guys, but I love watching this lakorn. I love how they always go eat somewhere and doing everyday things. The characters are always going somewhere different too. It's fun to watch!