true, they don't anything, sometimes it's because they don't have the financial support to start a program to help... sometimes they don't want to do it... and the one's who does, they really do want to do something... and i'll correct you that for the ones who wins and only does it during their trem cuz the money they won from the pageant is a start for their event... but when they plan it, and they have to use it all up, then it's all gone.. plus, when they give away that donation money, it's all gone too... sometimes you meet your goal and you get your profit back, sometimes you don't... and as a pageant person myself, it's not because we don't want to help after our term is over, it's because once your term is over, you wouldn't want to over step the new queen... i mean it's kinda like, you got your moment already, let the new queen have her time and let her shine... we will be there nonetheless to help her if she needs any... plus, she has to live up to her reputation anyways, so let her do her thing you know..
and you know something, yes, there are people out there who goes to different countries and built schools, and waterwells for the poor... but that's becuz they are from some kind of organization that has raisen enough money over the years to help other countries... but for a pageant queen, she only has one year and she only has a little money in her pocket to start and do something... it's much easier said than done, and for a pageant queen to plan and do something in one year, it's pretty tough... so give them a break...