Mixed Thai Stars


We're all fascinated by the multitudes of mixed Thai people in Thailand and elsewhere around the world. Since this is a Thai forum, let's gather and list all of mixed Thai celebrities.

I have made a topic once but it has been lost here so I am bringing it back!

So anyway, let's list them along with images or videos (and if you guys would specify what they're mixed with, if you know it) :)

I will start with the lovely Sririta Jensen. I am not sure if she is half Danish from Denmark or is she half Swedish with Sweden?



Nat Myria Benedetti - mixed with Swiss/Italian; they say she is the Alyssa Milano of Thailand. She does look like her.


Pinky Sawika - mixed with Indian, very nice mix


sarNie Adult
Poo Priya (Priya Suandokmai ) : she is half Swedish

I find that she is one of the prettiest new thai stars !​


sarNie Adult
im bored so ill add tha randoms

Chin Chinawut Indracusin -- Thai/French

Alex Rendall -- Thai/British

Guy Ellis -- Thai/British

Plub -- Thai/Chinese

Storm payu -- Thai/ Uknown

Big Panrawat Kittikorncharoen -- Thai/Chinese

Deer ''Lydia'' -- Thai/Chinese


sarNie Adult
how come bao never knew BIG D2B was CHINESE? I remember seeing that at another foruem some years ago but they said that was not true...so big is really part chinese? wow...


Ann Alicia - ???

Cindy Burbridge (Sirinya Winsiri) - She is mixed with American (Dad) and Thai/Indian (Mother)...very pretty.

Kwan - She's mixed with Thai, Hmong, Libyan Arab (from Libya in the middle east), and White (I think white?)...She's got a very interesting mix to her.

Bua Chompoo Ford - half English


sarNie Hatchling
hehe you'd probably have to post
almost all the thai celebrities on here,
because they all seem to be mixed with

but here are the obvious ones...

Luktarn Alisa Wills

Araya A. Hargate

Marsha (thai/german)

Sara Marakul Lane
