My car rims....

This morning i came to work and I majorly dented my rims. My front passenger side rims... The wheel is okae but the rim looks like its lop-sided... Or so it looks like. I cant really tell but my wheel cover smashed into the rim tightly. Do i have to buy new rims or can i still drive like that for awhile? Will it ruin my wheel... I mean it will ruin my alignment and balance but can i still drive for awhile like that until i have money to buy new rims... ahh... Its such a bad day today for me!!!! I just wana sit here and cry....
aww hun it's gonna be okay... i don't know anything about wheels but can't u just take out the cover or it's just too jam into the rim that u can't... i hope someone comes in and help you out... sorry i'm no help.


Staff member
Well if you drive with dented rims then most likely you'll mess up your wheels too so it's dangerous to drive around like that you could be on a highway and bam out of no where it gives out on you. You should be able to drive like that for a week or two but I don't recommend it because it's a safety precautions. It happened to my cousin's car the first week of school we were going to school and he was running on the highway dropping me off and bam we noticed rubber flying besides us it was his tire with the bad rims; not only that his alignment, balance, shocks were all messed up so it took like nearly 200 bucks to repair his shocks, another 200 for alignment and balance and then more for the wheel; =.= so you might be better off repairing or buying that rim now cause it'll only come out to more later on.

I hope someone gives you better advice because I don't know if mines helped any.


sarNie Adult
No you should get new rims cuz ur seriously gonna mess up ur tires and then might have many bad things happen trust me i know cost me 500 to get new tires and rims