+++MY DeSiReS+++


You're Average Person :)
Thanks Ceci!....I need more inspirational photo shoot to come out of my fave. stars....so far here's something from Pan's new photo shoot





You're Average Person :)
Thanks for the comments. Here’s my recent work lately….


Nicole Anderson. I love this girl. She’s such a cutie. Half Swedish & Filipino/a.

Excited for Boy and Kim in 3NNT, hehehe

Poster requested by members…..



You're Average Person :)
Okay, I’m currently obsess and having the “NACY” [Nick & Macy] fever from JONAS. My sister got me hooked to the show and Nick and Nicole [NTEAM] are the cutest. Too bad the show had to be cancel.

One of my favorite lines from them was when they confess they like each other

Nick: “I guess what I’m trying to say is I like you and I’ve been wanting to tell you ever since I saw you this summer.“
Macy: “Well there it is, what took you so long?”
Nick: “I guess I was just scared.”
Macy: “If anyone should be scared, it‘s me.”
Nick: “Why?”
Macy: “Because this is crazy. You‘re a rockstar and I‘m your--”
Nick: “Macy.”
Macy: [smiles] ”I‘m your Macy. I like the sound of that.”
Nick: “Me too…”:

Okay call me Jonas crazy but they’re so cute. They’re my NTEAM hahaha


You're Average Person :)
no, just show couple...but personally I think they dated because I've seen them together at Nick's family events and they went to dinner when Joe and Demi used to date too...but I guess now Nick is seeing his British co-star which I think she's not that pretty lol...but who am I to judge....I will forever be Team Nacy.

I'm trying to do a music video on them but some how WMM isn't letting me mute the sound when I'm trying to add music...anybody know why


Staff member
^ you're not using vegas anymore thip?

anyways why don't you try changing the audio and music back and forth on the clip? (if you understood me lol)


You're Average Person :)
I'm still using vegas but only to add effects tho . I do the cutting and all those good stuff on WMM lol then transfer it over to Vegas.....
I got it to work now, hehehe


You're Average Person :)
possubly a new FF....

Om and Pancake attended an event together today so of course I was gonna do artworks but one thing that kinda ruined my moment was *cough* Pae....he was the third hand lol....



this was backstage


Staff member
^ lol.. so news confirmed pae being the actual third hand for pan/weir break up.. or were you just talking bout at the event for om/pan lol.. im so slow atm.. ahaha >_<


You're Average Person :)
lol, I meant the event and possibly he could be the third hand of vier/panhahaha....

it was funny cuz he actually did ruin my moment cuz I was all being giddy of the two and as I scroll down, I see him, I was like sighs....


okay, here is my NACY moments clip. It's just favorites scenes of mines of theirs lol. The golf scene, I have to tell u that Macy was just pretending she have no experience in golfing only to trick the guys into making a bet and she ends up beating them in the end lol. I was too lazy to do a music video, it has more cute scenes in there...I'll try to do it sometime later on



sarNie Granny
i love your FF poster.

aww your banners of Om and Pancake are so cute!!! Yeah I would think that Pae would ruin the moment, I don't know how I feel about him...I just indifferent? So confused~


sarNie Granny
very cute walls. well my sis's friend she's hmong-thai n she watches thai channels n she said pae n pan were really dating? is it true thip? cuz i think ur more of a pancake fan so i think i trust u more on the news?? btw i was just wondering if they're actually dating or not, cuz i think pan match more with wier than pae. --