^probably making promise not to tease her again LOL
SARN, i think he was afraid b/c she was more reserve, perhaps, didn't seem to respond to his flirtatious move like these other girls he play with. I also think that when LOVE hit you, you don't know what to do next, doesn't matter whether you're a player or not, the first move is always seem to be dumbfound LOL .. that's what he is when he give her stares ^^ Or like when he found out about her marriage, he sighed so much b/c he's afraid to push her away even though he doubt his guts as to whether go with the feeling or to give up when it's only the beginning. so yup, this boy definitely fall for her deeper than she does for him, except we get to see her blunt moments more than his until later on episode 2 where he takes NO as an another HARIT STUN == YES! lol