Hello hello! ^__^
Well since you're a starter...I would just say, use an already-made layout and just fill in the info. Get comfy with HTML and some other codings you'd be interested in. I really really recommend you to learn basic HTML. Just the basics, so you'd know how to bold/underline/add images/color fonts/etc.
Here's the website I've always used to learn my HTML.
http://funky-chickens.com/ I came across it back in 2000 and I still use it up to today sometimes. Just that I don't really deal with websites anymore.

It contains basic stuff that's useful. I gave the sites to all my students who I've taught some webdesigning to. <_< They've become way advance and better than me (I wasn't really anything to start off with anyways lol).
Here's a website where you can get layouts:
I'm not sure if they tell you how to install them, but basically, you just upload everything onto geocities or whatever website you're using to make yours. You can edit the HTML pages with all the info etc. before you upload, or edit after you upload. Like I said, you'd need to learn some basic HTML to sort of get around, adding more links if you need to, adding images where you'd want them, etc.
They also have tutorials for you to learn how to make your own layouts too. And other stuff you may want to use for your site.
As for fanlisting, many fanlisting sites like to apply for an approval whatever.
It's a site that collects fanlisting sites. Depending on who your fanlisting is for, you can register. But, if someone already made a fanlisting site for the one you want, you can't add in your site. It's not a NEED TO...Just that a lot of people may create many fanlistings for ONE person...but only ONE of those fanlistings are "official fanlisting" as though they would say. -_- Basically, it's their way of saying "If you want to be cool, register your fanlisting into the database." Too confusing? Forget them then. Haha to stay with them though, you MUST MUST MUST update your fanlisting all the time. When you get lazy and don't update, they take you off their list. Believe me, they check. LOL I wonder who they have working for them, to have the time to check ALL THOSE WEBSITES. Hehehe Mines got shut down...I don't really care.

But I'ma register again because I'm the ONLY one who has a fanlisting of a certain group, and I'd like it to remain that way, atleast "officially" as they would say. I'm blahing too much about this site. I think I had 3-4 fanlisting websites, but I only registered one onto the fanlisting database.
If you need other help or get stuck, just get back to us!

Happy to help!