I'm fine with the date being there .. it just need some getting use to - that's all.
Ah, i also like the IGNORE THIS USER SIGNATURE - lol .. give me a chance to be ANTI here annoymously lmao (there are some signature i can't stand looking at - especially the pictures kind .. so thank you for this option - or has it always been there and i just don't notice it? Whatever the case is - i'm happy i found it - it's my new best friends in this forum hahahahah)
Forgot to add that I like the new feature on PHOTO PREVIEW -- nice and classic.
It adds a little sophistication look to it (now, i feel like organizing again lmao)
Agree with you. Though I'm still new here, when I registered it has been changed to AF, I still love the classic ones.I like Sarnies -- it reminds us where we started from.