New Year Resolution 2009


Mr. Char
2008 was a nice year. I passed my 2nd year, I managed to go abroad to study and visit places. I met a lot of nice people. I came back to Paris with more knowledges and more dreams...

My short list for 2009 :

1. Rock my 3rd year
2. Pass my driving licence
3. Find a lady Char

That's it :)


sarNie Oldmaid
lol... my classmate once told me that in the year 2000, the whole world would explode and we all believed in him! :loool: we were in 2nd grade back then...

lol oh i know donna...i heard the same thing...there was this one asian prophecy rumors sorta going was made into a riddle of some sort...which was weird and sounded scary..cause that saying was related almost like a prediction to that tsunami that hit thailand & Indonesia...but that saying was back in the 90's as well..when i was bout 12 yrs old...they just couldnt predict what the exact yr was that it will happen just said sometime in the yr 2000 ...but then as a kid we got scared of course but didnt think too much of it!

the flying car rumors....yea i guess back then we watched too much of that back to the future I, II, III movie! :rolleyes:

i wish i was a kid again...back then we didnt have no new yr resolution...if any it wouldnt be anything too serious anyways!


haha. feels like we were in the "08 Resolutions" not too long ago. hah. and everyone's like WE NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT! LOL but this year was more bitter than sweet. but i did meet my JLR sisters. but lost some people.

so 09 is supposed to be the lucky year. nine's a lucky number and my favorite.

1. take care of myself and restore to how i was before
2. ahha. exercise
3. do good in school
4. actually go get my permit and pass it
5. stop being so lazy

Muddie Murda

Ooh, I want to add more...

-Pay off my debt :D I should be able to do it in a few months
-My friend told me to find a boyfriend because I'm too lame. I need to make applications.
-Go to California this summer to meet someone special and other folks
-Spend time with PMS (The cool awesome group :p)
-Spend time with CBFers
-Get an ultra cool professional camera
-Get healthy!
-Get more awesomer than I already am (is that possible?)
-Get TBC published
-Stop procrastinating (although procrastination gave me a few A's in 2008 muahaha)


Expired Sarnie
My sophomore year in H.S someone in my World History class asked my teacher what was his new year REVOLUTION. He answered "a new war" lmao!!! He was just joking because he said revolution instead of resolution.

Here goes mine, I don't ever make one since I never really follow them but this year I will give it a try:
-get myself a job
-go to all my classes and pass them. *hehehe*
-be a better person

And that is probably it. Not much.


sarNie Adult
Obviously, I never keep my resolutions, so for this year I think mine will just be to;

Live life to the fullest & have fun! :D
1. shed some of my thanksgiving and christmas
2. find a better job
3. do well in school
4. get a tattoo
5. find a man that'll love me for
6. learn the dance to any of big bangs lame i know.


Expired Sarnie
I just want to know who already broke one of their resolution. I broke one... be a better person. I am stuck with my ugly personalities and laziness. Ahahahaha!!!


sarNie Hatchling
My New Year Resolution 2009

1. Drink more water
2. Join a gym
3. Choose a major that I'm going to go through with. I'm a senior already and I've change my major 5 times. I'm so done with school already.
4. Buy a bike :p
5. STUDY!!!


sarNie Juvenile
I had my youth write down their resolution so I can put it in a safe deposit box. We're opening it in July, that way they can see if they are on their way to accomplishing it.

-stop slacking, which mean avoid sarnworld (yeah right, never will happen)
-find a job that I'll stick to and like
-travel to at least one new state that I haven't been to
-keep my resolution.