Ning starred in many great lakorns with Patson, Johnny, Pete, Sam, Touch, Num, etc. A few of her lakorn collections include Olawan Kon Rai Som, Rak Rai UnDaup and Rak Pra Ga Sit.i know her from somewhere i just dont know where >< can someone please tell me what she was off icant remember ><
yeah, I never thought Touch looks good with Ning either. She looks the best with Patson.Her husband looked young and cute.They match.Pilot and flight attendant so cute.
I'm so glad that she didn't married an ugly old man like those other very pretty actress.
Always love Ning K.I hope she'll start acting again.I miss her.I don't really like her with Touch.I never did thought they were cute couple.i love Touch as a singer.He got a very sweet handsome voice,but not as a couple with Ning.