One of those days...


sarNie Elites
Okay, I'm having one of those days again. I seem to have these every once in a while. I'm at home today and I've been eating, possibly everything in sight. Yet, I still don't feel fulfilled. Nothing seems to taste good. It feels like you're craving something, but you don't know what you're craving. Has anyone ever had one of these days? Or am I just a pig?


sarNie Adult
omg sah..ive been doin that alot lately...i duno why ive been eating everythin ive seen in sight...and i do get that feeling too how it doesnt feel fulfilled...i duno i dont think ur a pig....maybe its because ur bored?lol i tend to eat alot wen im bored so i dunno...


sarNie Elites
I tend to do dat as it tells me im depressed or something is bothering me...or sometimes just because of stress -_- .


sarNie Elites
well, i eat a lot... i mean REALLY LOT! its usually on during i'm bored, nothing to do, anything are in my sight. so basically, i almost eat probably 6-10 meals a day. well, it's included snacks. :rolleyes:

yeah yeah i know LOTS! haha... but i soon will narrow it down because i finally go back to school so it'll help to lessen my eating habit. hehe. :p


gosh everyone has cravings... and yes u have to keep on eating and eating when ur bored because there isn't anything else better to do lol...well i love to eat so i just eat what i want to eat but right now i'm trying to lower it down because it adds up negatively...ironic eh lol. well, i think everyone has that feeling... your stomach is so full but your mouth refuses to stop eating!!


sarNie Elites
Haha, my stomach still didn't feel full. It felt like nothing tasted good and everyone you tried was like "eh". I dunno, I hate those days. It's like those days when you listen to every song you could, but nothing still sounds good.