So did they ever address Indy getting kidnapped/lost her memory? Did that ever come into consideration when they were fighting over Pee, that she didn't leave by choice but actually Pee accidentally led her to that fate because he took her out there to propose to her? Or was that even really what happened and she just made it up to get back with Pee?
Replying in 2021. 4 years late lol.
Indy (Pang) explained her story to Pee in the 1st episode after the wedding ceremony/party ended, where he left Mon (Marie) to catch up with Indy.
I feel bad for both Indy and Mon. It was unfair for them both to have their love taken from them.
Indy really drowned, assumed to be dead and forgotten by Pee, as well as her family and friends. It was even more unfair for her love to be married when she did her best to recover and survive, almost getting raped at the island without memory for months.
Mon was legally married to Pee and her husband went around having an open relationship with Indy because of his indecisiveness.
To hear what Indy went through, it felt like Indy should rightfully have Pee back, but love isn’t about ownership. AND it felt like Mon should have to give Pee up back at the first episode, but she had the right to fight for her love, until she received signs about Pee’s decision, just like Indy had the right to fight for her love even though she was raeng in the lakorn.
I feel it’s only right for women to give up on their man when their man decides to choose another. So yes, Mon and Indy should fight to win Pee’s heart/love, but the one that lost shouldn’t go in denial that you aren’t chosen. After all the effort that lead to loss, that’s a sign to accept reality and MOVE ON.
*I skipped a lot TOOOOO*
However, the ending. Indy really went through so much in the lakorn. I don’t usually like nang rai(s), but Indy was different and of course, very raeng. Indy was the nang ek of her life. Every women are the nang ek (female lead) of our own lives.
1) Indy drowned and was assumed to be dead, ending up at an island with memory loss and got traumatized with almost getting raped, let alone ABUSED. All the corpses she saw.
2) She got her lover taken away. She came back, only to realize the love of her life was getting married.
3) almost raped again, ending up in the hospital to get treated for her mental state.
4) has hepatitis B virus which lead to her liver cancer
5) passed away, unable to live for or with her baby.
[she lost her boo to another woman, but received the gift of her daughter, which was replaces the love of a man.

Maternal love
