sarNie Adult
so what are these supernatural things that happened on or off set? also what were the ones that happened when ubol was supposed to be bee?
Why is this only an hour? It is SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOODDDDD!
I've never been a fan of Pong's acting but he's pretty good in here.
Noon is awesome as usual and still so gorgeous. The chemistry is good, too.
Omg. I was already crying in the first episode. Gosh...such a sad story.
I want to watch the entire lakorn like right now. I hope I don't speak too soon but this may be my favorite lakorn of the year. Just everything about it is so high quality, the acting, the wardrobe, the editing, the filmography, just everything. I love it so far.
It's taking Thailand by storm too, trended as #1 on Twitter just for the first episode.'s good though, like really good.
My heart pours out to Khun Ubol soooo much.
WHAT !!!!! You never watched Kha Khong Khon? you need to go watch that one right away. That was my first time watching Noon lakorn.OMG Exactly I was like that. Why don't you kill yourself? BTW Noon is so beautiful, my first time watching her![]()
thailakornvideos is uploading. It should be on the previous page.Is anyone uploading this lakorn? Thanks!
Yeah, I agree. That's why I don't blame Pra Akk completely because he is from an ancient generation and mindset. Heck. What we believe and do today may be barbaric or wrong in the next 500 years.I do sympathize with khun Ubol and agree that no one should unwillingly be sacrificed. Back in the days, people are not open minded/well educated as today's people(newer generations). It's easy for us to accept changes and see the world for what it really is but people back then did not have the same understanding and did not welcome changes.
Thanks!!!thailakornvideos is uploading. It should be on the previous page.
We will never know for sure if she will be WILLINGLY or NOT to protect the national treasures if she knew the true, but at least we knows she loves her country and probably will do everything she can to protect the treasures. Therefore is hard to judge what it would have been like if she knew. To me as of now the only thing, that I can think of is what/why pra'ak did to her is because he trusted her completely and knew that there is no one better to protect the treasures than her, because of her loves for her country, so in his mind he probably entrusted these to his one and only person that he loves and trusts with all his heart to guard it. Short coming on his part or not, or even if it kills him(inside) to killed his beloved wife, but in the circumstance they were in he can't see any other choice.Yeah, I agree. That's why I don't blame Pra Akk completely because he is from an ancient generation and mindset. Heck. What we believe and do today may be barbaric or wrong in the next 500 years.
But just judging from Pra Akk and Ubol's interpretation of loyalty, you can see that though Ubol loved her homeland just as much if not more than Pra Akk, she would probably never choose to sacrifice anyone if she had the chance to. If Ubol thought like Pra Akk for even a slight moment, she would have known something was up when he made her swear or when he pulled out the sword, but she died in shock and unbelief. Like even when she swore to take care of the treasures, she didn't do it for the kingdom, she did it because Pra Akk asked her to. It was his request of her to, that's why she was tricked into doing and that's why it hurts so much and is so unfair. Ubol's love for her homeland meant not being a coward and going up against their enemies to fight. Even in those olden days, she had a different mentality than Pra Akk which aligns closer to the modern world's view of love. It's just a bit sad that Ubol just loved a man who loved his homeland as number one. I'm sure there were men out there who were placed in the same situation and didn't sacrifice their loved ones.
Even as a ghost Ubol still loves him while he has completely forgotten about her and his past. If he remembers his past, it's because she actively made him. If not for Ubol's plea with the heavens for justice, Pra Akk would probably never remember and live his many lifetimes without her. That's just sad.
Since I don't believe in the afterlife, maybe the kids were fortunate enough not to grow up with people who would kill them to guard some treasure for all eternity. And if it were true, the parents should be in some eternal hell or an endless cycle of being rebirth into bad lives. They should believe in reincarnation. How do they rationalize killing kids for greed. TF don't even make sense.Back to Khun Ubol's true story* sad as it may be, at least she is guarding something she loves and treasures with her life. If anyone saw or watches videos on YT of the story and history of the "Lao Khang peoples" now living or struck in Thailand, that was chases or uproots from Laos Luang Prabang and Vientiane during the Siam and Laos war couple of hundred years ago, there they were ordinary peoples (rich, upper class peoples) curse and killed a child/children as young as 7 or 8 years old to guard their good and valuables they buried in the ground during their fleeting from their home/war. Those innocent kids does not know or care about those treasures(unlike Khun Ubol's loves for it), yet they were curses for eternity to guard it. That is just as sad that their lives has ended because of greed; Khun Ubol life ended because of loves.No, I'm not saying one is better than the other because both are bad and barbaric, it's just that one is done with honor and one is ___ I don't even know what you would described those parent that did that to their child.