[OneHD] (Sitcom) Mue Prab Gook Gook Goo (Exact - Scenario)


sarNie Oldmaid
ohmaichoua said:
If this is really a sitcom then I'm going to be so sad... I usually can't do sitcoms.. I feel like there is no storyline... Its like how I love Chakrit, but Im not interested in his sitcom. His lakorns I always manage to finish, but not the sitcom.
Yeah. I've checked out a few sitcoms in the past and I feel that they don't really have storylines to them. There's nothing interesting about them that holds your attention. I'm too upset for words right now.................


- Marina ♥
There are so many cons to this being a sitcom.
Either way, I'll be watching this just for TooMo. No worries, I'll join you on this ship, Anony!
This will be my first time watching a sitcom, too so I don't really know what to expect.
It's such a bummer though. I just can't emphasize it anymore -- is it so hard for TooMo to be in a lakorn?
They truly deserve a lakorn. I mean, heck they had chemistry in KNK, they're good looking, they're great actors -- what more do they need!? T___T
TooMo needs a lakorn so that they can receive love and support for their pairing. If they are in a lakorn, I'm sure many will support and they'll become a hotshot couple or something!
But nooo, they're not given the chance. I'm still hopeful for the future but at this moment, the chance is very little :(


sarNie OldFart
Sitcoms are not considered downgrades. Hehe. Exact loves doing sitcoms and they feature some of their best artists such as Noona, Bie, Son, Charkrit, and so forth.


sarNie OldFart
I've never really watched sitcoms or hear about anyone raving about them. That's why I'm concerned. 


sarNie OldFart
Aom fans should know. She was on a sitcom with Tang for the longest time and it was a huge hit too.


sarNie OldFart
I still don't know the difference. Lol. So sitcoms run for a year? Have different seasons? Is it like American sitcoms but in Thai? 


sarNie OldFart
If so, then TooMo will have permanent jobs depending on the popularity. Does that mean less chance of them playing lakorns? NOOOOO. 


sarNie Adult
LOL I keep thinking it's like American tv shows with seasons too hmmm but who knows. I have never watched a sitcom before also for the thai industry but of course I will be sailing the ship!! hehe TooMo all the way!! I just hope it won't be stupid LOL 


sarNie Oldmaid
Sitcom are actually pretty popular here in Thailand. Chakrit's sitcom was one of ch3 top rated but they got rid of it to put in a program that has their own people in it. Aom and Tang's sitcom ran for like 9 years. Exact loves to do sitcoms, it is one of their specialty but yes sometime it is a bit tiring. Don't feel sad, TooMo isn't downgraded because they got a sitcom, to exact that is considered an honor. Push and Gypso's is a sitcom too aka long airing lakorns. Rejoice that they are reunited. I have yet to see their first lakorn. Maybe I'll watch it this summer.


sarNie OldFart
Sitcoms are in a studio. They're mostly comedy. They can run for a few months or a few years depending on the popularity. They can have different seasons when they bring in new people or renovate the setting of what not.

Yup, like Ncmeowmeow35 said, it's not a downgrade. Popular artists star in. At least it's steady work.


sarNie OldFart
I guess I can say that I'm happy for them because they'll have continuous work. I'm just upset that it's not a lakorn. I like lakorns because they end. Lol. I can't stand American soap operas for that very reason.  


- Marina ♥
^ Agree, Mahalo. I like seeing an ending; I'm not really into the whole continuous idea but I'll definitely give it a shot for TooMo.
I do see the sitcoms uploaded on OneHD but I don't know if they're so popular. I feel like I never heard about them even though they have all the popular actors and actresses.
I'm trying to picture TooMo in a sitcom... hmmm...


sarNie Oldmaid
Yeah an ending would be good. I get the pain. I am still waiting to the ending of Pentor or at least the return of Pentor and Tip! Omg I've be waiting for many manymany many years now. :(


sarNie Juvenile
I agree with Aiyaja and Ncmeowmeow35. I happen to like sitcoms. I loved Bang Rak Soi 9 among others, and Exact usually makes good ones. I would have to say they're the best at it that I've seen. The biggest downfall to sitcoms is that they're so long I don't always have time to keep up with them. It's not like a lakorn, but sitcoms do have some kind of storyline, even if it's a simple one and the development of it is usually consistent. I don't love all sitcoms just like I don't love all lakorns, but I'll give this one a chance when it airs. I'm a little disappointed that it's not a lakorn because I generally like my shows to end, but it's not a huge deterrent to me either. The good thing about sitcoms is that the plots usually involve one, both, or all the main leads one way or another so you get to see them a lot. (Although the development is usually slow.)


sarNie Oldmaid
I'm feeling a little bit better now. Aha. Hopefully this sitcom is a hit then. And hopefully TooMo will be able to reunite in a lakorn after. I'm still very excited to see TooMo together. This will be my first sitcom that I'll finish from beginning to end. No matter how boring it is, I just hope that TooMo will have a lot of cute scenes together. And if there's no end and it has a great storyline, that's even better. I just wish it wasn't mainly comedy. It'd be nice if it were romance with a little bit of comedy.