Online College or On Campus College


sarNie Adult
Hi ladies and gentlemen!

I need your honest opinions.

I am 38 years old, full time mother, wife, and work a full time job. My youngest son is 16 now....I am finding that I have a lot of free time on my own during the evening when I get off husband works at I either watch lakorns or TV for the rest of the night...I have been wanting to go back to school for a long is the right time...I have been checking colleges around here and also some online colleges... Now i want to know your experiences and thoughts of these....I have always want to get a degree in clinical psychology....

Thank you so much for helping an old lady here! :)


sarNie Elites
i think in your situation, it is most convienent for you to do it online. that way, you don't have to travel out of the house and worry about things happening at home b/c you're there to supervise...

also... it won't be such a big change for your children, so they won't feel like you're not spending enough time for them... b/c you used to be with them all the time and you being gone suddenly all night may make them feel like you forgot about them...

i'm still in college and only 21, but i have no huge family responsibility to worry about yet... but if you do want to do campus college, i think that would still be a great idea... b/c you meet so many people and there are students who are older like you too...


sarNie Hatchling
I'm glad to hear that you'd like to go back to school, that's great. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, I suppose it all does depend around what firstly, what kind of learner you are (how best you can focus on your schooling), and secondly your time availabilities.

I've experienced both so I suppose I can give you my opinion:

On campus:

- allows you to interact with people, other school mates, and your professors. This is a great thing because if you have trouble with things, you've always got people to really turn to.

- there are plenty of classes that are offered in the evenings. Besides your son is 16, I'm more than sure he's capable of being alone for a couple of hours:)


I took ITV courses, basically I didn't have to go on campus to classes, so everything was internet based. Through my university I could watch my lectures via the internet (or have the choice of having the tapes sent to me, or go into to campus to watch the lecturs at the media centre, or rent tapes, etc). Anways, I 've taken about 3 courses through this method, simply because of my conflicting schedules with work, and my other classes.

The great thing about it was that I could watch my tapes at my own time, whenever I had free time etc. I didn't have to drag myself out of bed in the early mornings to class, or hurry my head off after work at 5, thinking I'd be late for class again probably (that was when I was working full-time one semester).

- it's a bit more laid back, however, you may begin to procastinate. Leave things and say you'll catch up later. I know I got behind on watching my lecture tapes, and spent on weekend all day catching fun.

- Time is the best thing about this option, there's so much flexiblility.

- If you are one of those ppl that are like to do things at your own time, your own terms, and really good at being SELF TAUGHT and don't have problems with referring more to the text.....then this is a good option for you.


sarNie Hatchling
I would take courses on campus, because you are in the classroom and actually listening to the lectures. I took one online course while I took on campus courses also, and it was jus too much work. You have to basically read on your own, the only time you meet is to take exams.



sarNie Adult
sarN said:
wow slee00! i didn't know u a mommy and wife !! Yes , Ma' go for it !

LOL Yeah SARN...Im the oldest and wisiest Sarnie in here! I feel like one of you young things...that is why I try to dye my hair brown sometimes so you wont see me grey hair! LOL


sarNie Granny
slee00 said:
LOL Yeah SARN...Im the oldest and wisiest Sarnie in here! I feel like one of you young things...that is why I try to dye my hair brown sometimes so you wont see me grey hair! LOL
hehehe O'Ma i call u girl and stuff as if u are my age to mess with. My bad Ma'' :wub: . Old folk these day are cool they be having highlight and stuff !!! If u looking for a lakorn holler at me ... i'll find it for you Ma' :wub: :wub:


sarNie Adult
I don't feel so old anymore!! :lol:

Depends on what kind of classes you're taking. I think taking like history class and such isn't that big a deal online.. but if you're doing math, a classroom would definately be nice! Unless of course you're damn smart ;)


Xtreme sarNie
There are pros and cons about taking a class online and a class in school. I've taken both, but I find the most effective way to learn is to just go to class and sit there and listen to the lecture. You can interact directly and ask questions during the lecture. As for an online course, I never get anything done. I hate to read, the lectures are boring, I tend to fall asleep (not that I don't fall asleep in class)

Another thing to look at is what Darvil said, what subject are you taking. If you're taking basic math, then I think it's ok to stay home and take it online, but if the math becomes advanced "nerd" math like Calc. then go and sit in the class. If it's history, you have to read anyways, might as well take it online.. (that's just me)... So any "technical subject" that requires a lot of logic, just take the time to go sit in class.

And of course, the classic time management deal. If I were in your situation, I would take the online course, just because family is very important to me. I would probably study and learn during the time I watch lakorns.

And yeah, I shall say that the effectiveness is a lot better when actually going to school rather than an online class, but in your situation, I think it'll be better for you to take it online or you can wait 2 more years when your son is 18, and then you can go to school and sit in class.

Good luck to you, I'm very glad to hear that you want to go back to school. In my case, I want to get out of school, but that's another story...haha


sarNie Adult
i dont want to sit around listening to leactures i went to a summercamp were u are a university student lol it was so booring i sat there for like 2 and a half hours man

Muddie Murda

I would suggest you take on campus course, but if you want, take one or two online, depending on the subject you're taking. Online classes is horrible if you procrastinate :D And i'm so horrible and forgetful that I sometimes forget i have quizzes and stuff. Going to class, the teacher often reminds you of what's due and stuff. It's really helpful.

I would say I score better on the on campus classes than online. One online class i took and got an A, that was computer class haha which was easy for me and I didn't even need a book. I didn't want to go to class and listen to what I already know. That was just me though. ^_^ Just sharing an experience.