The kinds of people that annoys me the most in life, are:
1) fake people (meaning they're always trying to impress me or others, but the way they act is too Fake!)
2) lazy people
3) disrespectful people (especially those who still does something even though they knew it is disrespectful)
4) stingy people
5) inconsiderate people (never consider others' feelings or opinions)
6) people taking adavantage of others (WARNING: If I see it, I will not stand by and watch!!!)
7) thieves (I don't know why some would lower themselves this low. A dude at my school saw me drop a couple of dollars and secretly put it in his pocket, which I don't mind because it's nothing big, but that's too degrading on ones' reputationl)
8) big-mouth people (people who spreads rumors about others, especially over personal issues)
9) conceited people
10) irresponsible people
11) people who doesn't think for themselves (I feel sorry for these people, that it sometimes makes me mad)
12) people who will do anything to get what they want
13) people who always want their way (those who thinks they know it all and tries to lecture others, discarding others' opinions or decisions)
My list could probably go on forever, but this is all I can think of now and are the things I look into most.
I understand no one is perfect, but if we can strive to better ourselves, maybe we can lessen all these dramas in our lives.