Pairings you want to see


sarNie Oldmaid
lovestar said:
Dancy that picture of cheer and nadech is really cute. Making me contemplate a lot of things hahah
  :bhehe: yea they cutie. If you see the other photos of them at different event you will be even more contemplate a lot of thing.  :coverlaf:  :lmao3:   
I really do want to see them pair up now that Cheer is a freelance, even Cheer said she admire Nadech a long time ago. I think if they were to be pair up they will be goofy a lot of fun on set but I don't think that will happened. Nadech have to much other thing going for him and it be one in a million chance if Cheer get to pair up with him.   


Mrs James Ma
Kim and Tik.
Tik admires Kim. He wanted to act with her so Tik, Ken, Andrew scenes with Kim were added in Suer in MLM series to complete his wish :p
Lol in this event, Tik told Kim 'If you're too lazy to take care of your skin, I can take care of it for you.'
P.S. Tik was just joking. I dont want some poeple to think something else :)

cr as tagged


sarNie Adult
What does Tik means  by saying If you're too lazy to take care of your skin, I can take care of it for you.'?


Mrs James Ma
Vill should become freelance so she can pair with Nadech


sarNie OldFart
Mint Chalida/Nadech
Mint Chalida/Toey P
Mint Chalida/Punjan
Mint Chalida/Ken T
Mint Chalida/Tik J
Kwan/Mike Pattaradet

And if MintNa, MintToey or MintPunjan ever pair up, it'll look something like this