sarNie Granny
AMAZING! I <3 Gilly 
awww..thanks. But there's no need to be jealous of me girl, I should be jealous of your artworks! I love that poster of Bargie for your FF XDawesome effects!! jealous of your guy/vill swirly onei need to learn those things kekeke... cute chibi as well!
If she ever did, I'm going to be the first to buy that book. I love Jacob and Renesmee's story more than Edward and Bella's story. She did said that if she ever continue the twilight saga, it'll be on Jacob and Renesmee.OMG! I wish Stephanie Meyer would write a sequel to Jacob & Renesmee's story!!! It would be so cool!
That trailer is so funny, but Guy is so cute half-naked!!!!
Awesome poster!
Girl, I'm not a twilight person myself. I only watch it for Jacob, no Jacob no me.hahaha The book was actually better than the movie. They totally ruins the book for me.lmfao.. funny vid!!
sadly.. im not much of a twilight person..but hot gilly !!
I know, I would totally buy the book. It's true that Jacob & Renesmee story are more interesting the Bella & Edward's story.If she ever did, I'm going to be the first to buy that book. I love Jacob and Renesmee's story more than Edward and Bella's story. She did said that if she ever continue the twilight saga, it'll be on Jacob and Renesmee.