sarNie Adult

Peung Kanya, Aline & Wiew Wonarot

Wiew Wonarot

Peung Kanya


Aline, Peung Kanya & Wiew Wonarot
the wiew girl is the prettiest i think...yeah...peung don't look that good in this shoot.
I agree too, that new n'ek is the prettiest one of all. Yes, Peung did have a lazy/sleepy eyes the first thing i notice her eyes. The other girl is just not that good looking. She is the girl that said Janie stole her boyfriend or something.i agree, that wiew girl is photogenic. peung, eww don't let me get started. girlfriend got lazy/sleepy eyes, that's what's wrong with her. i just couldn't put my finger on it before. and erin is just blah for a biracial chic, what's up with the slanted eyes? i guess her oriental genes are too strong.