Pickle Sour Fruit


sarNie Adult
Summer is just around the corner, well in some places the weather is probably steaming hot and it feels like Summer already.

Nevertheless, as the hot weather approach so does the craving for sour fruit. I like to eat it with some salt and crush chilli peppers. Do you?

I made some pickle green plums (as if it wasn't sour enough as is :D) and I chowed that down within 5-6 days, so now I'm making pickle green grapes. If you would like my simple recipe, you can check my blog Pickle Recipe



sarNie Oldmaid
ahhhhhhhhh i want sommme!! thanks for posting da pix and recipe! i lob pickled crab apples too. garsh so yummy and pickled green mango :D :D :D :D


sarNie Oldmaid
omg atey youre making me drools...although i did have some sour plum & um-bel-mates yesterday (was quite spicy too btw)..but i wasnt satisfied...since my tummy wasnt really cooperating with me :lol:

Muddie Murda

Wow I didn't know they had those...lol I love pickled anything, cept meat. lol Now I think I need to grow a grape tree.......I wonder if it's too late for this season.


oh i like to buy it at the asian market lol i don't like the homemade flavor compared to the preserved non-digestible kinds in the jars shipped from thailand haha. i like most of my sour fruits with the fish sauce type of sauce. i posted a pix somewhere here a few years ago lol... i like the salt kind sometimes too but i rather do the sugar than the salt since my blood pressure is already hitting the roof from being pissed off all the time lol :p


sarNie Adult
And here is the pix of the finish Pickle Green Grapes. I like i like the grapes more because I don't have to worry about the seeds like the plums. Also when I eat the grapes, I eat it with a spoon LOL cuz I can pick up more. Doesn't it look like mini pickle olives? Esp when I put it on a toothpick like that. I made like 2-3 more batches to give to my sister and mom.
