Pictures from Cambodia?


sarNie Juvenile
lol---the pics are really nice. I wish i could visit cambodia <_< i haveto wait 2 more years to go to thailand and cambodia...everyone else in the family gets to go <_< how unfair! :angry: :rolleyes:


Yunho's GF~*
haha never post in khmer section first time i come here LOOL

huhu okay I will upload some pix of my trip in cambodia from last year later ^_^


punrakun said:
Yeah..I did it..Here are more pix in Siem Reap. The chicken is the best chicken ever!!!! We took pictures with Bopha Angkor Hotel Staff..they are the coolest people ever. I totally recommend that Hotel..very homey and classic..I stay there with my sis and bro for $45/night. Its like heaven. We swam in the morning before going to Angkor Wat and when we return before dinner. We stayed there for a four days and three days in Phnom Penh before heading to Bangkok and Chiang Mai. We did a month trip to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand this past July.
how much money did you spend in total .?? and those pinks pants are soo cute hahah it looks very comfortable where did you get them?


SarNworld Wonderer
ok...I finally got time to scan n upload...n edit

go to previous page to see mostly postcard pics..


aww thanks look cute eventhough I can't see u too clearly...but those poor temples...sad the trees/roots are eating it alive...that's sad


SarNworld Wonderer
hehe...thanks blue...yeah it's somewhat sad cuz it ruin the temple...but then those trees are unique...w/ roots on the outside..:)


Seeing all these pics makes me really want to go. My parents went 2 years ago without me cuz I had school. Anyways they told me they'd take me and my bro once I graduate from my program so woot woot!!


sarNie Egg
Sorry for the late reply..I was having internet problem. The pink pant is really comfortable. You can buy it at the clothes stand outside the entrance to the king herbal garden for $2 US. To answer your question..I spent a total of $6000/month. That includes food, hotel, airfare for three people.


SarNworld Wonderer
bAyBeExPaZzIoN said:
I know Camboida has mall called Soriya.  do they have any other place to shop?
I've been to Soriya a few times...while I was visiting...there are smaller supper markets for u to shop....

I only like to eat in Soriya...cuz it's cleaner...but shop for clothes in flee's less luxurious...but u can get similar stuff for a lot less :lol:


sarNie Hatchling
I'm Thai and Laotian and my best friend is Khmer. Her parents went to Cambodia for about 5 weeks and they returned about 3 weeks ago and they had pictures that they took at Angkor Wat. It was beautiful. I wish they had digital so that I can show you guys. They also visited the beach, the zoo, and waterfalls.

Her dad told me and my sister that next time they go, he's gonna take all of us along with him, he will pay for everything as long as we pay for the ticket.