Pood Sao Prao Saney


sarNie Adult
p''ek is sooo U.G.L.Y and not even match to be p'ek. not a fan of jui also, but i like benz...maybe i'll pass this one.


sarNie Juvenile

Yeah Jui dies in the first episode. But she re-born =) The girl from "Nu Hin" is in here. I lover her! She's soo funnie =) Them running away is a classic ghost thing, I love it!



sarNie Adult
haha.. does New look THAT bad?? i like his smile a lot, and his character in Sai Nam Sam Chewit is really loveable. i think he looks better than so many ch7 p'eks out there...especially the dutchies.. OMG.. LOL -_-


Save World Save Life
i watch episode 1 to see how the lakorn is anyways in the old life jui die but her reborn life she not dead.... she a normal girl who dream to be neak movie star but noone seem to care about her and after she got mad at ae pornthip bashing bad stuff about jui which isnt true to others jui got mad and saw a cup of water trying to throw at ae but somehow jui couldnt touch it was visible for her .... guess she just became a ghost from that on weird


sarNie Egg
In epi 1, in the old life Jui died because she hung herself. Then she was reborned. In epi 2, after the guy kidnap jui, he left her at that place, unconcious. some drunk guy came by and knocked over the gas lamp and lit the place on fire. so Jui died...again.


sarNie Fansubber
for the people who are passing this drama...just dont look at the pra'ek ( he's....*cough cough* kinda bad) LOL....but it's funny...cheer us up after watching other serious dramas LOL. it's pretty funny. and i love p-jui.( a "little" bit bias here.LOL)


sarNie Fansubber
i just watched Pood Sao Prao Saney forth episode... IT'S SO FUNNY!!! i guess a lot of people are not watching this lakorn...but it's good. people out there should watch this!!


sarNie Fansubber
i know...the first 1 or 2 episode was a little bit draggy...but the forth one was so funny!!! LOL! i watched twice(the second time, i watched with my mother...) i'm watching the fifth ep tonight! LOL

more people should watch this!