Queen Aces King :: AUM / AFF


Professional Lakorn Watcher
James is such a douche bag! But Lavadee's father is a shameless pig.. how could he do that AGAIN? Ughh... Poor Lavadee.. wonder what going to do now.


sarNie Granny
LMAO. this is too much. I wonder how it felt to ride James. LMAO He must be one hell of a ride!
Can I ride!?!? hahahah.

A lil side note:
it's actually dangerous for women to "ride" their men. I found this out in my Human Sexuality class.
The penis is sensitive and if a woman rides it too hard/fast or whatever, she could/might break his penis, which is of course a bad thing.
So ladies... if you're gonna ride your man, please be careful. You don't wanna have to call 911... it would be an embarrassing situation for you & your partner. :lol:

:lol: , then he better make sure his sterling wheel is hard enough


sarNie Granny
LMAO. this is too much. I wonder how it felt to ride James. LMAO He must be one hell of a ride!
Can I ride!?!? hahahah.

A lil side note:
it's actually dangerous for women to "ride" their men. I found this out in my Human Sexuality class.
The penis is sensitive and if a woman rides it too hard/fast or whatever, she could/might break his penis, which is of course a bad thing.
So ladies... if you're gonna ride your man, please be careful. You don't wanna have to call 911... it would be an embarrassing situation for you & your partner. :lol:
^ are you serious :loool: LMAO...don't worry i'll be gentle with aum lol....but that's good info to know..


sarNie Granny
:lol: ya' girl so naughty , to avoid embarrassment he should allow the girl to control the wheel , he might crash and burn if he drive


Mama Noy ♥️
So I guess penises aren't as hard as they look then? LOL
LMAO. not at all... :lol: it's only an illusion. Girls gotta be careful of how they are "handling" their men. hahah. If you ride 'em too hard, he will be in pain & can end up in the hospital. If that happen... no sex for a while. :loool:

:lol: ya' girl so naughty , to avoid embarrassment he should allow the girl to control the wheel , he might crash and burn if he drive
Ahhh yesh... just take it nice & slow... like ushers sings. haha.


sarNie Granny
On the night of the big event at Palace Casino all Thailand’s media was there at the scene when Miss. Shampoo came out of the limo and walk glamorously on the red carpet . Camera light was flashing nonstop and reporter was describing the event on TV . She wore a sexy black chinese style dress with long sexy side slits and a revealing keyhole opening topped with mandarin style collar, her 4 inch heel was black with leather strap around the ankle . She stop in the middle of the red carpet to pose for the camera , elegant and beautiful , her long smooth leg fully expose as she show case her feature and blow kisses to the audience .

Jame was on the 4th floor inside his office room , he was watching Miss. Shampoo from up above while sipping on his glass of brandy . He was stun by her sex appear and feisty character . The animal instinct that shape his hormone is stirring up his imagination, he a man and it’s normal to desire a woman in such a way but tonight he must put aside those hormone . It’s an important match in which his reputation is on the line !

“Sir , everyone is waiting” said a man from behind the door .

“I be there in a second” he reply . Jame walk toward the bar stand and pour himself a quick drink . He should stop drinking , he thought and place the glass down on the counter . He walk out of the office and goes down the elevator . Once the door slide open and he step out , the camera immediately snap away . The bodyguards was call to take action and block the media away .

Meanwhile inside the glass auditorium , Shampoo had already settle herself at the Sic -Bo table. The audience are not allow inside the auditorium but are seated behind the glass wall of the auditorium , the glass is sound proof , the audience can see the two challenger but they have to put on a headphone to hear the conversation inside. Jame walk into the auditorium the audience cheer as they watch him approach the table . Jame smile and wave toward the audience , he could not hear them chanting his name because of the sound proof glass but he saw their excitement when he greet them.

“You have lots of fan” said Shampoo , rising to greet him with a bow .

“They are cheering for you”

o_O ? how so ? This is your country , of course they will cheer for you”

“your beauty had won lots of male ’s fan in my country ”

“does that include…you?” she smile teasingly

“I’m always a victim of gorgeous women” he grinned

The judge appear in the center stage and make an announcement, “ The game is known as Asian Dice Of Sic Bo , the player will get 3 dice and each will get their chances at throwing the dice into this cup” the man show the audience a silver 6inch in diameter round cup and he continue, “while the other opponent make a bet of the result . Each player will start off with 10 million dollar and allow to bet 1 million per game . The winner must collect all the opponent chip ” the judge return the cup on the table and stand to the side .

“lady goes first” said Jame and throw the 3 dice across the table , she snatch it up like a venus flytrap and display her right hand , the 3 dice fit perfect between her finger .

“handsome and a gentlemen” she smile adorably and put the dice into the silver cup . She cover the top with one hand and the other on the bottom , she shake the cup several time . While doing so , her gaze never leave his face and the clicking sound of the dice banging against the cup intensify the game .

Jame stood there smiling at the beautiful Chinese girl in front of him . He watch the swiftness of her hand shaking the cup with determination and skill. He was lost in the transit and didn’t hear the cup hitting the table facing down until she said “your bet”

He stare at the face down cup and wonder if the dice underneath the cup is crush from the amount of pressure she cause. Then his eye move on the Sic Bo table and bet his chip :

“1 Million dollar”

“you are brave Mr.Atichart”

“Why is that so ?”

“because I never roll a 10 . Never. I consider it a…unlucky number, those that follow my game know this ”

“I know” he grinned and said , “please open the cup ”

Shampoo frown and lift the cup . The judge came forward to read the result :


“5 , 3 and 2 !! The result is 10 . Mr. Atichart bet 1Millon on 10 , the rate pay is 1 X 6 . Total of 6 Million ” said the judge and counted 6 Million of Shampoo ‘s chip to pay off the winning bet , leaving her with 4 Million .

“How did you know I roll 10!!!” she shouted angrily , how can he possibly figure out she roll her bad luck number when every one in the world know how she feel about the number 10 .

“Well, I didn’t . It was a lucky guess . I thought , hum…Miss.Shampoo have a reputation of never to roll a 10 . So , I test the theory by betting on 10 and when you suddenly ask why , I knew then it was the number under the cup” he grinned and added, “And I believe when you mention about 10 is your unlucky number , you intentionally wanted to put doubt in my mind , but luckily I didn‘t change my bet like you wanted too”

“Very clever ! Yes. You are right . It was a mistake on my part to goes with my unlucky number and thought I could trick you .”

“next time don‘t roll your unlucky number ” he chuckle

She stare angrily at him and grab the dice off the table , “it’s your turn” she throw it violently across the table .

He catch it with both hand and said “aren’t we a little spicy ?” he smile teasingly and throw the dice into the cup . He pick the cup up and start to shake it .

The audience applause , while tv station and camera crew film the game from behind the glass wall . Lavadee was watching the game as well . His strategy was very clever . I would never thought of that!

Shampoo wait patiently and carefully listen to the sound of the dice . She close her eye and focus . She recalculate the count of click she heard and smile when the sound stop . She open her eye , “are you finish yet ?”

“not yet ..” he continue to shake the cup and while doing so , he begin to whistle a horrible tune . Shampoo was baffle by the sound of the dice and the high pitch whistle . She lost count and saw him slam the cup face down on the table . She stare up at him and was speechless . He intentionally distracted her with his whistle and then suddenly finish the shake when she was lost! She have no idea what’s the number under the cup! It have never happen before ! He truly is , the master of mind game!

“why do you have to whistle !!” she screamed

“there no rule that I can’t ” he said calmly

“why you ---” she pointed her finger

“please make your bet Miss. Shampoo” the judge interrupted .

She back down into her seat and recalculate the click she gather before the whistle . She move her chip on the number 6 but then she change her mind and move it on 8 . Frustrated she slam the chip on a number , “ I bet 1Million”

“ number 7 pay out 1 X 12 . If you win , that’s a total of 12 Million . Leave me 4 Million to play”

“shut up and open it!”

Jame remove the cup . The judge came forward to read the result :


“ 5, 3, and 1 ! The result is 9! Miss. Shampoo lost 1 Million” said the judge and move the betted chip into Jame ‘s pile of chip , leaving Shampoo with 3 Million.

She was shock and silently curse . Jame smile at his victory and said , “it’s your turn” he throw the dice across the table. She snatch the dice up and throw it into the cup. She shake the cup fiercely with all the build up anger she have . She down on her last 3Million . If he bet right again she will lose ! She slam the cup face down. Jame cross his arm and rethink the next bet . He know this time will be difference from the way she shake the cup . He shouldn’t take his chances on the number , he should bet on the big and small , even though it pay 1 X 1 but his chances are 50/50 . He move his chip , “I bet 1Million”

Shampoo frown and lift the cup . The judge came forward to read the result :


“3, 3, and 1. The result is 7 and small. Mr. Atichart bet 1Millon on small , the rate pay is 1 X 1 . Total of 1 Million ” said the judge and counted 1 Million of Shampoo ‘s chip to pay off the winning bet , leaving her with 2 Million

“betting small or big , very good move Mr.Atichart”

“it was just luck”

“you’re very smart in making your choices . I only have 3 Million left , if you bet anywhere else on the board and got it right , I would have lost but you choose not to waste your chip and goes for the big or small ”

“I couldn’t figure out what number is under the cup , so there no way I can win if I bet anywhere else on the board”

“so you narrow down the possible result with a 50/50 chance of winning even though the pay rate is 1 X 1 ”

“of course , winning 1 Million is better than none ” he winked .

She shiver . The man is good . There no denying it . Now , it his turn to shake the dice . She can’t focus on the count any more . The anger of losing and the frustration of wanting to win is making her head spin. She didn’t even heard the cup slam down until Jame said “Miss. Shampoo ? It’s your bet”

She stare down on the board , the image was getting out of order as she imagine the number moving around like an army of ants. She push her chip to a random number , “I bet 1million”

Jame remove the cup . The judge came forward to read the result :


“ 4, 1, and 1 ! The result is 6! Miss. Shampoo lost 1 Million” said the judge and move the betted chip into Jame ‘s pile of chip , leaving Shampoo with 1 Million.

“SHIT!!” she screamed and knock the cup off the table .

“now , now …no need to use violence” he chuckle and bend down to pick up the cup and place it back on the table , he said “it your turn to shake the dice and this time . I will only bet big or small , since you only have 1 million left it unnecessary to make it hard on myself ”

She blink at him . The man is right. No matter how hard she shake the dice , the result will either be big or small and his chances of getting it right will be 50/50! She only have 1million left ! Suddenly , her cellar phone ring and she turn away to receive the call. Jame watch her and wonder what other trick got under her sleeves . Then a few minute later she close the cellular and turn to him , “I have a friend that will assist me”

“a friend ?” Jame lift a brow

“excuse me judge , is it ok if my friend stand here and support me”

“I don’t see a problem with that” reply the judge

“who is this …friend of your ?” Jame asked

“is it a problem ?”

“well, no ..of course not . It not like she going distract me or anything”

“alright then , open the door for her to get in”

The judge walk across the stage and open the entrance door . Lavadee step inside the auditorium . Jame stood up and stare at the girl he nail in the VIP room last week , “ what the hell..” he mummer and watch the girl walk past him , she went to stand next to Shampoo.

“boy’ it hot in here” she purr and remove her jacket , underneath she wore a sexy and extremely short plaid micro mini skirt has lace up details on the waist band and a pleated plaid bottom.

“p-put your jacket back on !!” he shouted

Lavadee giggle like a school girl and twirl around , the small breeze lift her mini skirt upward , revealing her white under garment , she lean on the table with her behind toward the audience .


Jame nearly flip out of his mind when he saw the reaction of the male audience behind the glass wall. He was furious! The men was banging against the glass and their expression was down right to it …dogs! He couldn’t believe she would do this in front of national TV with million of viewer is tuning in ! He rush toward her and cover her body with his suit .

“what the hell wrong with you !!!? Being a Thailand whore is not enough? You want to go international now ?”

“I’m getting pay …why not” she smile gloriously

“is this your idea of a joke ? !”

“no , I’m just doing my job”

“get out of here ..now!” he whisper furiously and jerk on her upper arm . He lead her toward the door .

“Mr.Atichart! If u leave the auditorium you are disqualify!” shouted the judge

“and where are you taking my friend ?” Shampoo asked innocently .

Lavadee turn to the man that holding her hostage and said , “I’m not leaving …Miss.Shampoo hire me to be her cheerleader”

“cheerleader?! Are you out of your mind ?! Look at those people out there ! You are being a whore on tv !! You are giving them a free show!!” he pointed toward the crowd behind the glass wall .

Lavadee look toward his finger and understood what he meant but she wasn’t about to let shame ruining her chance to earn 7 million dollar from Shampoo . She had approach Shampoo a few days ago and offer an idea to beat Jame Atichart but the proud lady refuse the offer because Lavadee asked for 7 million dollar . Lavadee saw how Shampoo was losing and decided to snatch the opportunity by calling Shampoo on her cellar. The conversation was simple , it either yes or no and the answer was yes !! Shampoo was willing to pay any price as long as Jame Atichart loses the game.

“say something !!!” Jame shouted again . The girl is completely gone to space and refuse to answer him!

“I’m not going anywhere” she jerk her arm free and walk toward her employer , waving her arm in the air , the audience went wild .


sarNie OldFart
LMAO. this is too much. I wonder how it felt to ride James. LMAO He must be one hell of a ride!
Can I ride!?!? hahahah.

A lil side note:
it's actually dangerous for women to "ride" their men. I found this out in my Human Sexuality class.
The penis is sensitive and if a woman rides it too hard/fast or whatever, she could/might break his penis, which is of course a bad thing.
So ladies... if you're gonna ride your man, please be careful. You don't wanna have to call 911... it would be an embarrassing situation for you & your partner. :lol:
okaaaayyyy... I've learned something interesting again today! thanks for the info noy! :loool:


let's all take a road trip you guys. lol
A ROAD TRIP!!!!!!! I LIKE THAT!!!! Count me in! :lol: