sunisa said:
what do u mean it is still on the PC even after emptying them?i delete some files and i want to restore them back.they're pretty big and i don't want to redownload them because each one takes a long there a way to restore them back even after emptying them?thanks a lot!
Yes you can still recover them but you must realize that it isn't a 100 percent success chance.
Also if you have been reusing the harddrive and it has been a while since you have deleted the files then it would be harder for you to recover. The thing is that when a file is deleted it isn't officially "deleted". It just becomes "open" for new stuff to be put in its place.
So to help you understand.. think of your harddrive as a house. Now lets say you delete a file (like a chair from the house). The chair is still there but you tagged it so that the "chair" can be replaced by something else. So when you download something new.. something new (like a table) will be put in that chair's place. So as long as you don't do alot of things since you deleted the files, there is a very good chance you can recover it.
For example I accidently (YES its very stupid) formatted the wrong harddrive and lost all my music videos (thai, korea, jap, etc) and I manage to recover about 70 percent of them. Still sucks about the other 30 percent but I guess 70 is better then zero huh?

Oh yea its hard to recover huge files like 700 megs + (IE concert videos). I don't think I recovered any.
Anyway if you want to try this. Go to
and find a file called R-Studio 2.0 (data recovery utility for NTFS & FAT, serial included).rar
Download that.. install that and let it scan thru the harddrive you want to recover stuff from. IT will take a long time so be patient. After its done it'll display a long list of stuff.. Yes its a pain in the ass to look thru them but if you want to recover stuff you gotta do it.
Also you should have another partition or Harddrive to recover the files TO. Like if you find a file you want to recover, you should recover that file to a different partition/drive.
Also this brings up the question of how clean your system can be. Have you ever heard of cases on TV where people were able to recover financial records from government computers which were sold to the public?
This is because most people (even PC geeks) don't fully understand how it works. How do you think FBI and such are able to recover deleted stuff from PC? They use similar things.. of course what they have is much better because it goes beyond just software.
man I typed too much again.