question on


sarNie Hatchling
hey i just have a question about has anyone ever purchased anything from them ? and if you did how long did it took for your things to come in the mail.. im just wondering bec. i bought a movie but i dont really know when im suppose to be expecting it and i live in the states.


sarNie Oldmaid
Was trying to buy some movies from them... I emailed them, but they never respond back, so I never bother to order anything from them.


sarNie Elites
I ordered once from them before. I think I got it within 2 weeks and all the tapes were okay. I paid a lot for the shipping though 'cause they were vhs tapes.


sarNie Egg
hey, it take a while because he have to make copy. if you are ordering like older lakorn sometime he only have his master copy so he have to make copy before sending your order. I hope this will help. I usually to live in LA and rent from SiamVDO a lot. He is pretty good keep a lot of old lakorns.

thanks guys, it hasnt been 2 weeks yet but 2 more days left, hopefully i get it soon.