questions for sarn


sarNie Egg
hey i just want to know do u have the boran pikun thong with Bee and Chaiya?
and my friend just bought the boran 'prasutton manorah' new version the other week, shes just wondering how long would it take for it to get to her? she said u said you posted it out on Monday is that rite?
thank you


sarNie Egg
Hi Sarn... Um Im new here and I just wanted to ask you if the nang sib song on your page is the sinee version or the new version...i love the old version with sinee and just wondering if you have it or i also have a lot of other questions for you about your movies for buying....I was wondering if some of them are old or new versions...thank you.....


sarNie Granny
it not sinee version it ch 5 version u can pm me the list u looking for den i'll see if i have it but lately i got JLR fever haven't been updating the store lolzz.


it not sinee version it ch 5 version u can pm me the list u looking for den i'll see if i have it but lately i got JLR fever haven't been updating the store lolzz.
Yeah she does...and so does everyone else here...lolz! Sarn you need a questions for Sarn thread about your store...It's everywhere from buklaoboi to a million other sarnies...lolz...

hahaha...don't mean to point you out just more use to you in here to make fun of you.