Random Anniversary Gift?[Need Advice]


Staff member
Ok this time I post in the relationship section; but I need advice lol ok our 1 year 6 months anniversary is coming up and I know he isn't expecting anything special but June is an important month for us.. it's the month where we first met, its the month he moved down here its the month of our 1 and a half year anniversary ..

LOL I thought I would be corny and record some messages and put it on a cd .. and some of the songs that we choose out for our wedding reception onto it and record myself reading some poems that I wrote for him back then and then pop the cd into the car while he's not paying attention so when he stats the car then he'll hear my voice and of course he'll be curious and listen...

Been planning to do this for half a year now lmao;

LOL you guys think that it would surprise him?

Oh p.s. edit I also plan to put the voicemails he left me when he realized that he liked he he started leaving me messages cause i dissapeared from his life =/ .... Im gonna put those in there too lol


Mama Noy ♥️
awee... that's kute. ^_^ i suck at shopping for guys or giving guys gift... or you can design your a t-shirt for him, like them airbrush ones!

i know my ideas suck but... that's the only thing i can think of. :lol:


sarNie Hatchling
yea.. i agree.. ur idea is really good already! i think you should stick to that..




Staff member
I did it! LOL he loved it he was like I was like uhh .. where is my baby's voice coming from cause the opening track was like "hey tim heyyyyyyyyyy listen to mee!" lol and then he was like i drove slow just to listen to the rest of the cd ... he couldn't quit smiling lmao he wasn't expecting me to do something so corny.. he was like i had to let people at work listen to it .. they LOVED it ... they were like imma ask my girl why she cant be more like your wife hahah "your wife is so cute i love how she always does these weird surprises .. my favorite one is that one time she bought everyone in the office durian boba tea!" one of his employees said... what I did was buy everyone back where he works and that works with him durian boba tea and left it there in their break area they walked in and was like WTF is that awful smell lols! like 12 cups of durian boba tea imagine hahahah .. but they end up loving it... :wub: my next surprise.. "June 26th" I already called and ask his boss to excuse him and he agreed so im gona volunteer to drive him to work and take him for a secret romantic dinner in the place we had our first real kiss! LOL


sarNie Adult
awww tina. you're such a hopeless romantic person. me & my bf are lame. lols. we don't celebrate jack! :p


Professional Lakorn Watcher
I love durian!!! I love eating the frozen one in the morning with hot sticky rice.

But anywho... gosh,, that was so sweet, Tina. Your husbabd is one lucky man. Haha.. my boyfriend and I don't celebrate anything, except ... uhh.... except nothing. Just maybe the usual christmas and thanksgiving. We've been together for 4 years now, and we never celebrated anniversaries before.

Well, take care girl... Maybe soon, you'll have baby stories to share? lol ;)