64 random facts:
1) my name is judy.
2) i have 1 older brother, 1 older sister and 2 younger brothers. i am the middle childdd! go figure.

3) i was born march 11, 1987 in the good ol central valley of california. been here since.
4) i am happily married.
5) my hubba and i haven't had a ceremony and we were planning on doing a small traditional ceremony and a reception when we are financially stable and when im done with school, but im having second thoughts on it. lol.
6) i love love love my family. they are my world.
7) i look up to my sister and mother. my sister for her brilliant mind and my mom for her motherly ways.
8) i want to get a tattoo that is very sentimental; i've thought about three butterflies that will represent me, my sister and my mom. but my mom will kick my ass. lol.
9) i am a nursing student and will be done in october! wahoooo!
10) i want to work with babies or the geriatric population. my loves.

11) i am very passionate about nursing.
12) i don't like my car, yet i bought it and paid it myself. i just WANTED one so bad at the time. lol. my mom loves my car.
13) my mom is the BEST cook.
14) i love love love kao piak and stir fry over rice. yummmm. oh wait, and spring rolls. i can live off of spring rolls. lol.
15) none of my siblings have kids yet. sadly, no nieces or nephews yet.
16) i have very very very few friends. and im happy with it.
17) i am pretty good with math and i love it.
18) i have a very boring office job and im surprised im not fired yet with all the times i've called in. apparently, they NEED me there. lol.
19) i am currently residing with my husband's sister and her husband.
20) i can't wait to save enough money and buy a house. i've always wanted my own place.
21) i am very nervous, scared and excited about graduating.
22) i was like a second mother to my little brother, so he's very attached to me. even now that he's a senior in high school. lol. oh how i love him.

23) i thought my hubba was gay when we first met. hahah.
24) i am very very very thankful for everything my hubba's done for me.
25) i am a little OCD, i can't sleep if my blanket is turned the wrong way. i wake up in the middle of the night to make sure its the right way, if not, i flip it over. even if that means waking up my hubba. lol.
26) i don't like to sleep with the closet door open.
27) i sometimes sleep with my hands in my pants. haha. its warm. :blush:
28) i've always been attracted to mexican boys; i end up marrying an asian. lol.
29) i still think my hubba is the most handsome guy ever. :wub:
30) i want 3 kids. my husband wants 1. i'll get what i want.
31) i've only gone to the club 2 times my entire life.
32) i don't care for the party life. never have, never will.
33) i've only drank alcohol 3 times in my entire life.
34) i despise smokers.
35) i want to travel the world!
36) i was one of my high school's valedictorian.
37) i write fast.
38) apparently, i move my lips when i write (my brother and sister makes fun of me).
39) i hate writing essays but im really good at it. lol.
40) i am a huge procrastinator!
41) i spend most of my time reading my textbook for nursing school. wahhh.
42) i adore janie tienphosuwan.
43) tik jessadaporn is insanely hot. :wub:
44) i love football, but don't have time to watch NFL anymore.
45) i argue a lot with my mom. but she loves me. haha.
46) im a huge cry baby.
47) i love to sleep. especially when it is raining.
48) i always take hot showers.
49) i won't eat cold rice. it grosses me out, i can't swallow it. lol.
50) i love pasta. especially the ones i make. sooo good.
51) i love sauteed onions. soo good.
52) i tend to check my class grades like every 30 minutes. hahah. as if it changed.
53) i love school supplies. i used to work at office depot, my dream job as a child. hahah. its like taking a kid to a candy store. lol.
54) i keep most of my school work thinking it'll become useful one day. nope, i never go back and look at them. lol.
55) i have a pending scrapbook. last i worked on it was about 2 years ago. lol.
56) i have a gym membership with my husband. i've only gone once. lol.
57) i have a mole on my face. exact same spot as my dad. weirdddd. because i look like him.
58) my first name means sweetheart.
59) im lao-cambodian.
60) unfortunately, i only speak lao and english. understand thai.
61) i hope to learn how to read and write in lao one day because it hit me that after the older generation dies, who will read and write in lao?
62) i envy the couples who have "cute pictures" together. my husband hates taking pictures.

63) im going to be 22 on wednesday! i feel so old. lol.
64) i am hungry. so i quit. lol.