Rome Patta(M-Thailand)


sarNie Adult
Rome is so freakin' handsome!! lol I love the pics with him in the suit, he looks like a real gentleman like one of yous said above. I love the pic where he's huggin Ae like he's holding on to his life LOL, thanks for sharing.


One Of Kob Big Fan
totally agree that Rome could act. i would of never guess that hes a newcomer. he could so cry! and i love his manly voice. hehe
Me too, I told my sister that I like his voice too.

why is there only picture of him and Ae ? Is there any of him & Rita ?
I wonder too.

It seems like we have the same mind, Tinah. That's what I want to say. I really love his voice too. It's very manly. :wub:
Ahahaha! Count me too.


sarNie Adult
Thanx, Youa :yahoo:
Rome, is really cute. So many pix w/Aey. I want more Rome and Rita!!!
He kinda look cute with Aey too. I wish they would pair them up someday.
I dun like too many ch3 n'kes. Oh! of couse Aff is totally on my list of his next n'ke :wub:


sarNie Adult
hahaha i didn't know he has a thread in here lol. ya i do agree with that he's cute and hot 555. Rome's body huhuhu. he has nice a body. his voice is helping him and tall too 555. include everything all good 555.

one more thing

i love everything he wear 555. he looks nice with all the clothes he wear.


sarNie Fansubber
some other pics from Klin Kaew Klang Jai opening.

Rome+Rita are such a perfect match when they're together.


sarNie Coma
i just post this up @ sroy san jun thread too lol

he looks soooo good. hottness :drool: him and rita is one perfect couple


omg... thankyou wishbone for the clips..... i'm officially madly in love with Rome now.... :wub: :wub: :wub: sigh.... his voice isnt all that great on the clips but gosh just loooking and hearing his voice reminds me so much of the lakorn KKKJ... i miss it already :( ahhhhhhhhhh


sarNie Hatchling
thank u for the clip he is so cute his voice isnt that that bad..its ok i guess :mellow: lol