sarNie Juvenile
lol...i didn't mean the "R" scene! I meant R, the guy who is the winner of the star 3..lol...you're funny... it's gonna be a comedy-romantic lakorn i guess. in the discussion forum, they said that. it isn't confirmed but it's a rumour...it might come true...who knowsthere goin be another laokrn of them >>>>>???? with "R" ? OMG .. say it isn't soo so i can calm down ! I havn'et watch the ending yet but ... i been spoil o'well !!! Hope there another lakorn of them . They a wild couple !!!
here's R and Bie. I think bie looks much better, but i guess R has better voice...but i kinda like bie's voice...better...anyway, here you go...compare these two:
R อาร์ and bie the star 3