Hey Champ, I'm sorry if i was a jerk in Chat, however I do really like this article. There is a lot of truth to this analysis, i specifically was thrown off my reading when i read this quote:
"...Regardless of their advancement in the workforce or the professions, Lao women still hold true to, and practice the traditional role and behavior of a gentlewoman. We are gracious and poised in every way possible, and most importantly, we are the main keepers of our cultural heritage and tradition. Moreover, Lao women also have an important role in instilling and following the religious rites and practices of Buddhism.”
I think that now-a-days, a lot of the cultural and traditions aspect is deminishing, especially if we live in a melting pot type of society. But it is true though- and I know that with the older generation of kids (those now in their 20's and up) still have a good grasp of that, it's the younger crowd that I"m worried about that haha, as much as i can educate them on their roots it seems like they can't handle the balance between both worlds, but those who do balance between both worlds do have, from my experience, a better way of looking at life. That was a good article champ, i can see why marduk has a crush on you!