Ruk Leh Sanae Luang


sarNie Adult
thank you for a pic tinah, Vicky is so tan tho..i love it..she so pretty..i can't wait for tihs lakorn...


sarNie Coma
update on their characters..thanx to Hunny for the trans

hmm dont know why they didnt mentions Vickys name in this lakorn

I wonder if both twin is the pra'ek.

Por- The elder brother “Poo wit ” take a rough and harsh character, rogue, aggressive and hot tempered. As for the younger twin “Pi wut” is gentle and polite, graceful gentlemen.

Ploy- "Ploy" Cherman, threw away her sexiness and came to accept a sweet and lusicious role for the first time “Jaroolin”

Vicky-"Vicki” Sunisa who turned the sweetness to a tomboy, Vicky says she comfortable with this role because in real life shes a brave and fearless person already…


sarNie Adult
Yayyayyay!!!!! I wannna see Vicky as a tomboy!!! She's sooooooo cute!!!!! hahahhahha... she's soo girly and anything, but tomboy!!!!!


sarNie Adult
POR and Vicky!!!!!!!!!!!

It a must watch lakorn for me.


sarNie Coma
a saw a clip from SeSan Bunterng..

Por and Ploy will be getting married. i dont know which twin she marry but im guessing its the aggressive twin cuz from the clip, he didnt look
seem like the polite one


sarNie Adult
Wonder if anyone get any info?

So happy to see Por w/Vicky. I hope the story will be good for me to enjoy.


sarNie Elites
^really? for me, i think both ploy and vicky are
probably n'kes as well. i mean por's a twin so
basically, twin=2 p'kes. ^^ or maybe my thinking
is unnecessary. lol~

i'm more excited to see vicky, though. i missed her
alot! and btw, her pictures- she's cute! <333


sarNie Adult
Thanks goodness that the n'eng is Vicky. I love her in SaiPaiChao. Her character in "CPC" was so cute. I'm definitely rooting for Vicky in this lakorn.


sarNie Adult
is this movie a remake? i remember this title or similar to it?


sarNie Adult sweet!

Por is such a cutie! He's blessed enough to pair with these two beautiful actresses.