hehe.., jeeja said it all.
i love pan && tai's meeting.
so far, im loving this fanfic.
i finally read!
this fanfic shows that...girls are strong!
lovee it :]
Soo much things to do, i never get to update soon...lol...
here's chapter three everyone...ENJOY
(Tai and his partner, Luke, walks around the park, patrolling.)
Tai: Ha, I miss going around this park, so many memories here.
Luke: You can say that again. (Tai spotted Pan, reaching down into a fountain.)
Tai: Hey, hey! Don’t do that! (He runs to Pan and grasp her wrist. She looks at his direction and they both were surprise.)
Both: You! What are you doing here?
Tai: What are you doing reaching down the fountain? You could have fallen in.
Pan: You think a girl like me is likely to fall into this little fountain? What do you think I am, six years old? (Luke walks over to them.)
Luke: You both, knew each other?
Tai: Umm…yeah, we do.
Luke: Hmm…nice. I’ll be taking break, o.k. Tai. I’ll see you.
Tai: W-wait! (Luke walks away. Tai shakes his head and turns around to see Pan reaching down the fountain again.) Hey, hey, stop. What did I told you?
Pan: Well, my keys aren’t going to get out by itself. (Tai looks in and sees the sparkling keys at the bottom of the fountain.)
Tai: I’ll get them for you. (He reaches into the fountain and plucks the keys out, putting it in her palms.) There.
Pan: Show off. (She begins to walk away.)
Tai: Hey, hey. (She stops and turns around to face him.)
Pan: What now? You expect a thank you from me? Well, I’ll tell you mister, I could’ve gotten that key myself, so I don’t need to thank you. Good-bye. (She turns to walk again but slips on a banana peel and fell into the fountain. Tai laughs at this sight while Pan sits upright in the water.)
Tai: I was about to tell you about that.
Pan: Well, should’ve told me earlier.
Tai: But you’re too busy yapping about other things. (A frown runs across her face.)*Laughs* O.k. here, I’ll help you up. (He reaches his hand to her and she holds on to his. With a smirk upon her face, she pulls him into the fountain.) What?! What did you do that for?!
Pan: Sorry. For a police officer I never knew you are that weak.
Tai: Grrrr. (He gets up and gets out of the fountain. So did Pan.) My uniform is all wet and it’s all your fault.
Pan: It’s not my fault you took the risk of being my shining armored knight. Anyone who took that risk is likely to go down.
Tai: Dammit you! (Pan looks down at her watch.)
Pan: Looks like it’s time to for me to go. See you around, umm…
Tai: Tai.
Pan: O.k., see you around Tai. (She walks a little ways but turns around to see him again.) By the way, my name is Pan, just to let you know. (She continues on her way while Tai just look at her with a grumpy look.)
Tai: Hmph, like I need to know your name anyway.
(Saike leans at the counter, looking at the clock, thinking about Pan. Then he saw Tam and runs up to her.)
Saike: Hey dumpling.
Tam: For the last time, if you call me that again, I swear I will throw you.
Saike: Fine, Tam, I wonder if you want to have lunch with me.
Tam: Lunch? Where?
Saike: At that coffee shop again.
Tam: Don’t tell me you weren’t paying attention when I drove you there.
Saike: Umm…to tell you the truth, I kind of fell asleep along the way and back.
Tam: Saike…
Saike: I’m sorry, I was tired alright. Just please take me to that coffee shop again.
Tam: And why is that?
Saike: It’s just, well, I met this girl at the coffee shop yesterday.
Tam: Really? (She smiled.)
Saike: And I just –
Tam: Say no more, I’ll take you there.
Saike: Thanks.
Tam: But this time, pay attention.
Saike: Alright, dumpling. (Without any warning, Tam grabs hold of Saike’s hand and throws him down on the floor.) Ow.
Tam: I did told you, did I? (He nodded in understanding.)
(They both enter the coffee shop.)
Tam: Just pick out a table first. I need to make a call.
Saike: O.k. (Tam went into the bathroom while Saike walks around and sits on a chair. He saw Pan walking to him again with notepaper in her hand.)
Pan: Oh, hi Saike, how are you doing?
Saike: I’m doing fine, Pan. How about you?
Pan: Same here.
Saike: Say, I’m wondering if you’re doing anything Friday.
Pan: Nope, why?
Saike: Well, I have two tickets for a movie on Friday and I was wondering if you want to come.
Pan: *laughs* Sure, just call me whenever you’re ready to pick me up on that day.
Saike: O.k. I will.
Pan: K. Now, may I take your order?
(Pan enters the house with joy as Tam came in last.)
Pan: Infiltration in a success. Now to soften the heart.
Tam: Nice girl but don’t you think you should calm down a bit.
Pan: You’re right but this guy is way too easy. I wonder if every girl are going to beg down at his feet like that.
Tam: Yeah, I wonder. (Tam looks at a red pen at a desk. Images flashes back to her.)
(Tam walks down the hallway and drops some documents on the floor. She started to pick them up. Then someone came and help her.)
Tam: Thanks. (They finish picking it up and she stood up to see Saike.) Hi. (Saike gives her an awkward look and look at the paper.)
Saike: You new here?
Tam: Umm…yeah, I’m new here.
Saike: *Laughs* No wonders, you’re in the wrong floor.
Tam: I am?
Saike: Yeah, you see, it says, “F6-540”, which means sixth floor room 540.
Tam: Oh…thanks, I’ll remember that. (She walks pass him but he holds her by the collar and turns her around to face him.)
Saike: The elevator is that way.
Tam: Oh…haha, thanks again.
Saike: You really don’t know your way around here. Want me to help you?
Tam: Yeah, thanks.
Saike: No problem.
(They get out of the elevator.)
Tam: Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Saike: I told you, it’s not a problem. I’ll even take you on a grand tour after this. (She smiles and turns around to leave.) Hey! (She turns around to meet him again.) You got a name?
Tam: Tam.
Saike: Tam, that’s a nice name. I’m Saike. (She blushes this time and was about to leave again.) Tam. (She turns around again.) I see you don’t have a pen. (She searches herself but find no pen. He laughs and shakes his head. He gives her his red pen.) Always remember that a doctor needs a pen by their sides always.
Tam: Umm…ok, thanks.
Saike: No problem, anytime.
Pan: Tam. Tam!
Tam: Yes.
Pan: Aren’t you going somewhere?
Tam: Oh yes, I almost forgot. Thanks. (She open the door and left.)
Tai: Have a good day?
Saike: Yep.
Tai: Nice.
Saike: How about you?
Tai: Terrible.
Saike: How?
Tai: A girl pull me down the fountain even though I was trying to help then I was being made fun of by my peers.
Saike: *Laughs* Too bad for you.
Tai: Oh yeah, how good is your day?
Saike: I met a girl.
Tai: Wow and that already made your day.
Saike: No Tai, you should see her, she’s beautiful, very beautiful that I don’t know any other way to describe her.
Tai: Hmph, really? I want to know what she looks like.
Saike: You could. You can come with me tomorrow to see her.
Tai: Ok, I will.
Saike: Great!
Tai: What’s her name anyway?
Saike: Her name is Pan.
Tai: Pan?!
Saike: Yeah, why? Did you meet her before?
Tai: I’m not sure but I’ll come with you tomorrow to see her.
Saike: Alright. Want to play tennis?
Tai: Sure.
End of chapter three...lol...
stay tune...i'll update more...
Hehe, I know u already have 2 magnificent posters, but somehow ur story was sticking 2 my head when I was PS so somehow I just thought I'll share this with you. hope u like it
Thanks for reading everybody lol...i only check this post whenever i'm going to post my story...lol...here's chapter 4
(Pan was serving the customers when Saike comes in.)
Pan: Hi, Saike. Today is Friday.
Saike: *laugh* I know.
Pan: So, what movie are we watching? Romantic or comedy?
Saike: Comedy.
Pan: Great.
Saike: Oh, I forgot. A friend of mines wanted to meet you.
Pan: Nice. Just pick a table and I’ll come over in a minute.
Saike: Ok. (Pan went back to the kitchen while Saike went out and get Tai.)
Tai: Why did you make me wait here?
Saike: Because I don’t want her to get the wrong impression.
Tai: Like?
Saike: Like hooking you guys up.
Tai: What?!
Saike: Just come in. (They both come in and sit at a table. Tai opens up the newspaper to read it. Pan went over to their table.)
Pan: Ok, Saike. So where’s your friend?
Saike: He’s right there. Tai, (he hits the newspaper lightly) she here. (Tai put the newspaper down and cannot believe his eyes, so did Pan. He stood up from his chair.)
Tai: What?! Are you sure it’s her?
Saike: Yeah. You met her before?
Tai: Yeah I did, she’s the one that pulled me down the fountain.
Pan: It’s not my fault you’re so weak.
Tai: It’s not because of me, it’s you missy!
Pan: Don’t call me missy or I’ll poison your bacon when I serve it.
Tai: Are you threatening me you little…
Saike: Tai, please calm down. It’s in the past. Just please.
Tai: Fine. (He sits down, his glare is still fixed Pan and her glare is also fixed on him also. Then she took a deep breath.)
Pan: Well then, what do you guys want?
Saike: I’ll have coffee.
Tai: I’ll have nothing.
Saike: Why not? You haven’t had anything this morning.
Tai: I certainly know that someone wants to put poison in my food. (Pan fixed her anger look at him.)
Saike: Tai, just please.
Tai: Alright, alright. I’ll have coffee as well.
Pan: Very well.
(Tai, Saike and Pan get out of the coffee shop.)
Pan: You all have a nice day.
Saike: Yeah, you too. (She smiles until she looks at Tai who still gives her his anger look. Then she looks at Saike again, smiling.)
Pan: So, we’re still going to the movies tonight.
Saike: Yeah.
Pan: Great.
Tai: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait there a second. (He turns to Saike and whispers to him.) You’re taking her to the movies?
Saike: Yeah.
Tai: Dude, you can’t take her.
Saike: Why?
Tai: I mean – just – just look at her. She looks suspicious.
Saike: She doesn’t look suspicious to me.
Tai: Come on Saike, can’t you tell by her attitude. She’s a gold digger.
Saike: You don’t really mean –
Tai: I mean it.
Saike: Tai, look. I’m only taking her as a friend.
Tai: Then why not take me?
Saike: I only have two tickets and certainly I don’t have time to buy another one and also, you should know that I don’t date anymore after what happened. (Tai didn’t say another word and Saike turns around to look at Pan.)
Pan: So, we’re still going?
Saike: Yeah.
Pan: Ok, I’ll see you then.
Saike: Bye. (Pan went inside the coffee shop. Tai and Saike get inside the car. Tai look at the coffee shop one last time before Saike took off.)
Pan: Dam. Today suck.
Tam: Why?
Pan: I met that guy again.
Tam: Which guy?
Pan: The guy I told you about.
Tam: Well, you never mention his name so I don't know anything about him.
Pan: Oh yeah. His name is...umm...his name is...Tai. Yeah, his name is Tai.
Tam: Tai! You said Saike's friend Tai!
Pan: You know him?
Tam: Yeah, I know him. He's a policeman.
Pan: I know that.
Tam: And he's also a well known detective.
Pan: Damn, really?
Tam: Yeah, so you have to be careful when you're around him.
Pan: I will. Plus, I'm going to the movies with Saike and he's not coming. He wouldn't be able to do anything.
Tam: Good but once he gets involve, tell me alright.
Pan: Don't worry. How difficult can it be?
Tam: Oh, it’s really difficult when a guy like him digs in. Trust me, I know him.
Pan: It’ll be a fine, Tam. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.
Tam: Ok. (The phone rang.)
Pan: That must be him. (She answers her cell phone.) Hello…oh hi Saike…uh-huh…yeah, I live near there…ok, I’ll be right out. (Hangs up.) Ok Tam, I’ll see you.
Tam: Ok. Have fun playing with him. (She left out the door, leaving Pan into thinking as an image comes back to her head.)
(Tam was walking down the isle of the hospital when she bumped into someone, making him drop his things.)
Tam: I’m sorry. (She looks up and sees Saike.) Oh Saike, it’s you.
Saike: *Laughs* Yeah, it’s me. (He bents down to pickup the documents.)
Tam: I’m so sorry. Let me help you. (She helps him pick up the documents. They come closer to each other and their heads hit each others.)
Saike: Ow!
Tam: I’m sorry again.
Saike: *Laugh* It’s ok. You know, you’re really clumsy.
Tam: I’m sorry.
Saike: *Laugh* Don’t say sorry. (They were done picking the documents.)
Tam: Well, I’ll see you around.
Saike: Wait.
Tam: Yes?
Saike: Want to go to the movies with me.
Tam: Sure, what kind?
Saike: Comedy.
Tam: Oh great! I love watching comedy.
Saike: Ok, so I’ll pick you up at seven.
Tam: Ok. (They both wave bye to each other.)
(She picks up and looks at the red pen.)
Tam: I wonder, if what I am doing is right.
thanks for reading...
but i also have a question...how do you guys put spoiler tags...
lol...still trying to figure things out...
well...thanks again...chap. 5 will be up soon...
and be sure to read my upcoming fanfic
"How An Actress Kiss"
starring the cast of "SOMPONG NONG SOMCHAI"
the spoiler tags, well it's confusing to explain, lmao.
you're supposed to put the spoiler tags around the phrase you want in spoiler. lol.
that prob didnt help but...
well liked the fanfic, :] tehee..,
omgg, tai and tam met there. haha..,
haha, this is a cute chap! luv Tai & Pam!
Still the old moments b/w Tam & Saike are still triggering in her heart! T_T
lets see, I'm not sure if this will help you out, but to put up spoilers you type "[ spoiler ]" at the beginning of the spoilers and "[ / spoiler ]" at the end. [Leave out the "" & spaces] hopefully this helps!
(Pan and Saike get out the car. They went to wait up in line.)
Saike: Well, we’re here. Just have to wait.
Pan: Ok. (Saike starts to recognize the guy in front of him. He taps his shoulder.)
Saike: Tai? (Tai turns around in surprise.)
Tai: Oh, hey Saike! I knew I’d find you here. *Laugh*
Saike: Ha ha, this is great.
Pan: What?! What are you doing here?
Tai: I just came to watch a movie, duh.
Saike: Cool. So, what movie are you watching?
Tai: Umm…(He turns around to look at the list and then answer.) The King of Beggars.
Saike: Us too!
Tai: Nice!
Pan: Umm…we’re watching that?
Saike: Yeah.
Pan: Can’t we watch something else?
Saike: It’s the only comedy movie.
Pan: I know but I just want to watch something else, it doesn’t have to be comedy.
Saike: Ok, you choose. (She looks at the list.)
Pan: I want to watch Cats and Dogs.
Saike: Ok.
Tai: I want to watch that too.
Pan: You!
Tai: Hey, I can change movies when I want or is there a problem with your plan that I’m interfering?
Pan: Fine.
Tai: Ok. Saike, you guys can go first, in case someone here wants to change again.
Saike: Umm…ok, thanks. (Pan gives him a glare but Tai just smiled.)
(Pan shifted uncomfortably while Saike and Tai watch the movie. Saike sits on the right, Pan to the left and Tai in the middle.)
Pan: *Whisper* God dammit.
Tai: What’s that?
Pan: Oh nothing. Just enjoying the movie. (Tai focus back on the movie. Pan just sits watching the movie, thinking how Tai had ruined her plan.) Excuse me. (She stood up but Tai stretches out his leg to stop her.)
Tai: Where do you think you’re going?
Pan: To the bathroom, isn’t it obvious?
Tai: Really?
Saike: Tai, just please.
Tai: *Laugh* Come on Saike. You’re not taking me that seriously are you? (He lets Pan pass and she hurries out.)
(Pan was on her cell phone.)
Pan: This guy is wacko.
Tam: Hey, I did tell you to watch out for him. He is a detective.
Pan: You’re right but he can’t be with him twenty-four seven right? So I just need a chance to reach Saike.
Tam: Yeah, you should do that before Tai sniff something out.
Pan: Ok, so what do you recommend?
Tam: I don’t know; use anything you have now I guess.
Pan: Ok, I will do that. Bye.
Tam: Bye. (Pan hangs up her phone and opens the door to leave.)
(Pan comes in with a drink and popcorn in her hands.)
Pan: Saike, can you help me carry these please?
Saike: Sure. (He stands up to get the popcorn. Pan spills the drink on his seat.)
Pan: Oh my god, I’m so sorry.
Saike: It’s alright, I’ll just move to the seat beside you.
Pan: Ok.
(At that time, Tai stood up and knock his drink over his seat.)
Tai: Damn, man I’m so clumsy. Guess I’ll have to move too. (He moved over to the seat beside Pan’s)
Pan: You can’t sit there, Saike is sitting there.
Saike: Don’t worry; I’ll just move one seat over. (With anger, she pours the rest of the drink onto Tai’s lap.)
Tai: What the hell?!
Pan: I’m sorry.
Tai: I know you did that on purpose.
Pan: What?! Why would I do that on purpose? You must me out of your mind!
Tai: I saw it clearly, you tipped only.
Pan: Well, mister smart guy, I did it on accident only, I did not do it on purpose!
Tai: You still wouldn’t admit it, don’t you!
Pan: And you think that I’m a lying cheat?!
Tai: No, here’s what I think! I thnk –
Audience: SHHH…! People are still trying to watch a movie here.
Tai & Pan: Sorry, sorry. (They both sat down and Saike was relieved that it was over.)
Tai: *Whisper* I still think you did it on purpose.
Pan: *whisper* Well, maybe I did. (Tai’s irritated look came across his face while pan continues to watch the film.)
(All three of them get out of the theater.)
Pan: That was a nice movie. Thanks Saike, for taking me out.
Saike: No problem.
Pan: Shall we go?
Saike: Yeah. (He opens the car and Pan enters the car. Tai pulls him to one side.)
Tai: *whispers* Saike, you sure you’re only doing this because she’s your friend?
Saike: Positive.
Tai: I mean, just look at her, she’s taking advantage of you.
Saike: No, she isn’t.
Tai: Come on Saike –
Saike: Tai, You’re over exaggerating. Just because I got dump once, doesn’t mean I’ll go dating girls all over.
Tai: Saike, you’re too sensitive, I know you.
Saike: *Laugh* Don’t worry Tai. (He gets into the car.) I’ll see you tomorrow. (He drove off, leaving Tai on the sidewalk.)
Thanks for reading...lol...
chap 6 will be next...
Pan and Saike walked around in the park
Tai came in
Pan talks on phone
Tai caughts her