ok, agreecalla said:i don't think captain die in this one......well, pin though that he dead but he actually come back. remember the scene that they hug eachother at the end ?![]()
ok, agreecalla said:i don't think captain die in this one......well, pin though that he dead but he actually come back. remember the scene that they hug eachother at the end ?![]()
Yeah someone had mentioned this... it's called Buang Banjatorn? it was still a good movie..they did got married and loved each other heheehThai_lakorn_fan said:not sure if this was posted yet but i forgot the title the na'ek and pra'ek is Chakrit and Marsha where she sleeps on the bed and goes into Chakrits world...they both died! it was sad... :wavecry:
the lakorn is named appropriately "Nitra-Saiyun" and teh p'ek n'ek was oh waroot worratum and warinda (something like that). joy rinlanee wasn't it here it was joy sirilak.beamie said:I don't know the Thai title for this movie cause hmong dubbed it but it's a really old movie...probably in the early 90's....anyways......
the lady is NEETRA (however you spell it..) or Nee for short and she was in love with this one guy named SAIYUN cause they went to school together....anyways...her mom and dad told her that she was already in an arranged marriage since birth and she shouldn't be talking with other people. NEETRA didn't like that but she's all "listen to parents" type of girl so she thought about it and agreed to the marriage but told her parents to post-pone it for 5 years....due to school....and her parents agree....then, her SAIYUN gets a job somewhere and he leaves her (he doesn't know about the her arranged marriage).....he comes back and she tells him and he gets really angry but she promises him to wait for her cause she'll only marry the guy for 3 years....after 3 years, she'll come back and marry him and love him again......
JOY RINALEE is also in this lakorn.....and the Saiyun guy hangs around her during the 3 years and she falls in love with him...but he still loves Neetra....
anyways....3 years later, Neetra keeps her promise and comes back to Saiyun and they live happily together...but Neetra learns that Saiyun liked Joy Rinalee too...so...being so heartbroken.....she poisoned herself while Saiyun went to the store.....he came home, found her dead with a letter....
he carried her out to this one rock and laid her down and slept next to her....and then he got sick and died too.....
anyone know this story?? i really wanna know the name of it....the n'ek and the pra'ek...i really wanna know....if anyone knows...please tell!!!
Dung Dok Mey right or something like that. All those family dramas are always sad.sarN said:wat dat lakorn call staring OFF and Jonny's wife?? About he having 7 daughter ?? OMGG i was in tear for like 3 hrs .. tear was rolling down while i was rewinding the next tape too !! Both girls dat Off love die and his daughter "HONG" have the sadiest story :wavecry:
BlueMoon said:and that lakorn Ging Phai with Monrudee and Likit where's she's a slave and had a child but had to give it to the first wife...that lakorn was so sad
I'm not sure on the title but @ Siamvdo it says Ging Phai so that's what I assumed it was...unless Likit did another period lakorn.Khatiya said:Ging Phai :blink: I'll probably missed that one... But I saw the one that they played together as well called "Nang Tass" funny, it has the same storyline like the one you mentioned "Ging Phai"
jeanie said:I didn't see the Likit movie but there was a lakorn called Ging Pai with Noon in it and the story wasn't anything like that. There could be 2 different stories out there both called that I guess.
dan didn't die in this version...this version was a happy ending...Sah said:I'd have to agree with everything everyone said. I'd just like to add one more:
Mung Gorn Diew Da w. Tang, Tae, Noos, Annitai: (omg, so depressing)
Oh yeah, didn't Dan die in Koo Gum 2, too? I didn't get to see it, but that's what I heard?