Darv in a 2 piece... owww!!!!! hottnesss.....hahaha anyways Darv u just want to see P'Nat with a baby T huh, now ur making urself sound like a perv!!! hahhahah
of course he wants to see dj chubs' shexy body.. :dude:
Darv in a 2 piece... owww!!!!! hottnesss.....hahaha anyways Darv u just want to see P'Nat with a baby T huh, now ur making urself sound like a perv!!! hahhahah
awww...one size fits all and its large? We're asians remember..we're small. lol. But its okay.
And what if we dont have a paypal? Someones gonna have to teach me how to make one or will you accept other forms of payment?
den just pm me
send me $15 in paypal i'll get u a t-shirt w/ur sw name haha
ah ah ah, not falling for that again...last singing contest, i was told if i joined, my cheap ass would get a t-shirt...i don't see a ninja design of some sort on my chest!!! hahaha^ JOIN THE SINGING CONTEST! YOU GET ONE FREEEEEEEEEEE! freeeeeeeeeeee~~