Save Me :: Kristen Kreuk/Johnny Depp


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ACT 11

The beautiful shore

Mr. Tinsley pounded his desk while holding the phone to his ear. Mrs. Tinsley got startled and curse under her breath, getting angrier by the hour at Annie. Since Annie's disappearence, Mrs. Tinsley has been greatly inconvinienced. She wasn't able to have her usual dinner parties and social events without the media knocking on her door or waiting around in her yard for any news on Annie. All her friends ever talk about now is Annie, making Mrs. Tinsley hatred for her grow even more. No one understood why she loothed her daughter so much.

She twisted her lips and suddenly ached at the need to slap Annie a few times.

Mr Tinsley - What do you mean, you haven't found her yet? I didn't pay you imbeciles good money to do nothing! You get your asses out there and find my daughter NOW!!


Mrs. Tinsley - I knew this daughter of ours is trouble! I should have locked her away ages ago! She has always be a thorn at my side. And now, she has caused me nothing, but trouble! Phillipe!! I can't even go to the salon without those damn reporters following me. Once we find her, I say we put her in maximum security and lock her up for good! That will teach that little tramp.

Mr. Tinsley - Katherine, how could you say that about my daughter???? Our daughter! Have you no shame??

Mrs. Tinsley - Ughh, spare me. Your daughter is a riot. She's dangerous! Not only to me, but to others. I don't understand why you're always protecting her!! You always favor her!!

Mr. Tinsley - Katherine, I have no time for this bickering okay? We just need to find our daughter, so she can get the treatments that she needs!

Mrs. Tinsley - Good luck.

Mrs. Tinsley shrugged and rolled her eyes and left the home office, feeling more irritated at both Annie and Mr. Tinsley.

When his wife left the room, Mr. Tinsly picked up the phone and dialed Dr. Reilly's number. The call was picked up on the 2nd ring.

Dr. Reilly - Ryan Reilly speaking?

Mr. Tinsley - Ahh, doctor.

Dr. Reilly - Mr. Tinsley. Uhh....

Mr. Tinsley - Don't waste your breath. I have already spoken to the chief of police. He and his entire incompetant police force hasn't found her yet.

Dr. Reilly - I am truly sorry sir. Here at Sea Side Hospital, we are doing our best to be on the look out for Annie.

Mr. Tinsley - Fine, but I'm still holding you people responsible for losing her.

Dr. Reilly - I'm so sorry, sir. We try to do our best, but since then we've hire extra orderlies. Once we find Annie, we will work extra hard to protect her, sir.

Mr. Tinsley - Good, I'm glad you people realized how vulnerable you are.

Dr. Reilly - Uhh... sir.

Mr. Tinsley - Now, back to business, doctor. When Annie was in your custody, have you given Annie the treatments as we discussed? The treatment that you improvised? Now, there are many doctors out there, but remember, Dr. reilly, I choosed you. Please do not disappoint me.

Dr. Reilly - Uhh, yes sir. I have followed all the instructions and treatments that was needed by Annie.

Mr. Tinsley - Good. So I take it that, even at large, Annie will be herself correct?

Dr. Reilly - Yes, sir.

Mr. Tinsley - Excellent. Good'night doctor.

Dr. Reilly - Thank you, Mr. Mayor sir. Goodnight.



In the car, Annie was still taken by the fair. The ferris wheel ride was so magical that when it stopped, she hestitated to get off. It felt so good up there with the wind in her face and a sense of freedom. She was ever so grateful to Kale for making it possible for her to ride that enchanted ride. She wasn't ready to go home, but Kale was able to convinced her that they had to leave, because the cops were everywhere searching for her. The two of them got in the car when Annie realized that Liezel was still missing.

Annie - Hey, wait for Liezel.

Kale - Uh, we've got to go now. ... I'm sure Liezel will find her way back to my place.

Annie - But..but.. what if..

Kale - I promise okay? If she isn't back, then.. uhhh......uhmm....

Kale smiled sheepishly, feeling a bit silly.

Kale - Then we'll go find her.

Annie - Alright, I suppose you're right.

Kale pulled out of the Carnival's parking lot and was about to turn right to go on the road that takes them to his apartment, but he quickly stepped on the brakes when he saw 3 or 4 police cars up ahead. It appears to be a security measure for the carnival's customers to get out okay, since it was pretty crowded.

Kale - I don't think we should take a chance to go that way.

Annie - Please don't let them take me!!

Annie slouched down and curled herself into a ball, frightened that the cops would see her.

Kale turned left and went the opposite direction where the road leads to Sea Side harbor and beach. He then tried to get a mental picture of the city's map in his mind and see if there's a detour back to his apartment from the beach. Kale wanted to avoid every major road in this small city.

The road was dark and lacked streets lights. From the little crack of the window, they could hear and smell the ocean. It was a mixture of crisps fresh country air and trees and earth. Annie couldn't help, but take a deep breath of it over and over again.

Kale knew that the road will end soon when they reached the ocean, but realized that towards the left of the beach was little dirt road that led to a back route that leads him to the street near his apartment.

The silence was then interrupted by the loud rumbles of Annie's stomach. Kale couldn't help, but chuckle. He never heard a stomach growl that loud before.

Annie - Oops. That was me.. I...I ..uhh, haven't eaten anything, except an apple candy that I stole from fat boy.

Kale - Gasps. You stole from a kid? I can't believe you did that.

Kale shook his head in laughter.

Annie - Well, I was starving! I'm satill starving.

She frowned.

Kale - Well, we can pick something before we get home.

Annie - Home...........

Annie then thought of her own home. Thought of her Mother who was never happy with her... thought of the walls she strared at for hours... thought of Jeffrey, her beloved dog. Annie then began to tear up.

Kale looked over and noticed the tears in her eyes.

Kale - Hey... what's wrong?

Annie - I miss Jeffrey.

Annie began to sob.

Kale thinking to himself. Jeffrey? Who's... ohhh....... Jeffrey the dog...that...that Liezel killed??? Kale wanted to test Annie and see what information he can dig up about the murder of Jeffrey? Did Annie... Liezel, really killed Jeffrey?

Kale cleared his throat and glanced at a sobbing Annie. He didn't even noticed that he was reaching out and patting her shoulders, caressing it. He pulled his hand back and started to ask Annie some questions about Jeffrey, indirectly trying to find Answers. Is Annie really that crazy that she killed the poor dog? Did she really slashed his throat and blamed it on Liezel???

Kale - Uhh.... Whos Jeffrey?

Kale pretended to be clueless and there was a long pause from Annie.

Annie - My dog. He..he...he's dead.

Kale - I'm so sorry.

Annie - Me too.

Kale - I bet he was a great dog.

Annie - He was..

Annie sobbed more and blew her nose.

Kale - What happened to him? How'd he die?

Annie paused and her sobbing stopped.

Annie - I..I...don't want to talk about it.

Kale - Okay...

When the car got to the end of the road, they could see the shore up ahead. It was a dark sheet of water with the waves glistening in the moonlight. Breathtaking. Annie looked at the ocean and was gleaming with excitement. Kale turned left and was about to take the detour when Annie grabbed his hand.

Annie - Wait....could we please stop here? I've never been to the beach before. It looks so pretty.

Kale could see how excited she was and didn't want to ruin it.

Kale - Yes..... anything you want, Annie.

ACT 12 will up ASAP!



sarNie Oldmaid
very nice update lome...had a million things running thru my head...

so annie isnt mrs tinsley's daughter... that liezel chick, somehow makes me think that shes an image of mrs tinsley's cause shes always negative...cautious..overprotective..maybe/maybe not...bad intentions...most likely! that dog jeffrey might be killed by mrs tinsley herself.. so annie creates this sister liezel to blame the wrong doing of her mother's ..could be the intentions that she wants to make annie look more crazier than it is.. or maybe i am just over thinking here... :huh: (maybe annie doesnt know that mrs tinsley isnt her biological mother?!)

ahh i guess i have to wait to get clues from kale...


i have a feeling that Liezel was the one who killed that dog... lol

so what's next.... i wonder if they'll just stare at the sea waves at might... ^_^


Professional Lakorn Watcher
very nice update lome...had a million things running thru my head...

so annie isnt mrs tinsley's daughter... that liezel chick, somehow makes me think that shes an image of mrs tinsley's cause shes always negative...cautious..overprotective..maybe/maybe not...bad intentions...most likely! that dog jeffrey might be killed by mrs tinsley herself.. so annie creates this sister liezel to blame the wrong doing of her mother's ..could be the intentions that she wants to make annie look more crazier than it is.. or maybe i am just over thinking here... :huh: (maybe annie doesnt know that mrs tinsley isnt her biological mother?!)

ahh i guess i have to wait to get clues from kale...
lol.. sorry if you misunderstood my writing, but Katherine Tinsley is Annie's biological mother. Katherine hates Annie for some reason.

i have a feeling that Liezel was the one who killed that dog... lol

so what's next.... i wonder if they'll just stare at the sea waves at might... ^_^

LOL...... I'm laughing out louod cause you girls are talking Jeffrey the dog which remind of that prank call that went all around the internet... "You kicked my dog! You fucking guy."


sarNie Granny
i think the dog was kill so ppl will think anne is mental ? then who is dat imgaine girl with annie ? who really is crazy ? lol...poor doogy


Professional Lakorn Watcher
i think the dog was kill so ppl will think anne is mental ? then who is dat imgaine girl with annie ? who really is crazy ? lol...poor doogy

i cant wait to find out something more about Annie... plus, i hate Liezel...
here are a few spoilers for the next ACTS.

Sasha, Kale's friend comes into the picture
Annie get's her first kiss
Liezel get's pissed!
Marissa is sad that Kale didn't keep his promise


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ACT 12

The blue moon

Marrisa hugged her teddy bear and looked out the open window into the late night skies. The full moon appeared blue on this particuliar lonely nighgt. She sat there wondering about Kale. The ward has been so hectic lately that Marrisa has been frightened and stayed in her room, hoping that Kale would come and reassure her. Little did she knows that the hospital told him to take off a few days until the police can sort things out at the hospital.

He'll come back for us, Teddy. I'm sure he would. Marrisa closed her eyes and hugged her teddy bear tighter. When she opened her eyes, there were bodies standing around her. She looked around in a panic. They were burnt and reaching out for her. The maggots dropped out of their mouths when they uttered her name.

NO!!! No!!!! HELP!!! KALE!! Marrisa feverishly grabbed for the blanket and covered her head as she curled up into a ball.

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!! Marrisa cried out and tried to catch her breath. SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!

That's when the temporary orderlies barged into the room with night nurse, Suzy. Marrisa started to shake and having convulsions. She was shaking out of control as teddy fell oout of her hands and the blanket fell off the bed. Marrisa's eyes rolled to the back of her head and saliva oozed out of her mouth.

Orderly #1 - What's going on??

Suzy - She's having a seizure!

Orderly #2 - Shit, what do we do???

Orderly #1 - Do I grab her??!!

Suzy - No, no, do not grab her. We have to wait till it passes. We just need to make sure she doesn't violently fall and hurt herself! Stand back.


Meanwhile, in Mrs. Roy's bedroom, she sat on her bed and kept looking towards the door. She has been hollering for hours, but no one came to check on her. Normally when Kale is around, he'd come into her room when he hears her hollering. But now, there's no one. Just the night nurse who only do as scheduled and the temporary orderlies who doesn't know the needs of the patients.

Jack...Jack?? Jack?? I'm thirsty... Jack? Are you there?? Jack.. where are you? Don't leave me old geezer. Please don't go.

Mrs. Roy wiped the tears that formed in her eyes. She pulled the blanket up to her chin and laid down and hugged her fragile wrinkled body. In her seniled mind, she knew Jack died, but the denial overpowered her weak mind. She couldn't tell if it was reality that she is in or was it just a dream. The old lady wiped her tears and tried to fall asleep, hoping that Jack will come to bed soon.


Annie and Kale stepped out of the vehicle in front of the beach. The blue moon's lights shined on the ocean spray making the waves look neon. It was a breathtaking view. Wow! Annie uttered as she ran towards the shore without Kale.

Kale - Annie! Wait! Be careful!

Annie held out her arms as she ran to the shore. How can anyone resist such a beautiful sight? The water was so inviting. How would it be like to live in such beauty? Perhaps there are no pain or sorrow? Perhaps the world wouldn't be so complicated if everyone could appreciate this type of beauty; a simple beauty that nature provides. The ocean seemed like it has so many answers. If man could only see, then they wouldn't feel the need to hurt one another. But the only thing Annie could do was imagine it.

When she reached the shore, she took off her jacket revealing a pink tank top; she wanted to feel the fresh cool air against her skin. She threw the jacket on the sand and then she kicked off her shoes and walked closer to the shore to feel the water on her feet.

Kale - Annie!!! Don't go to close! The tide is high!!

Kale reached Annie and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back to safety.

Annie - Hey, what are you doing? I just want to feel the water on my feet!

Kale - Annie, can't you see? The moon is full and it's pulling the ocean causing the tide to be high! You might get sucked into the water!

Annie - So? I want to get sucked in!

Kale - No, you don't.

Annie freed herself from Kale and turned her gazed back to the sea.

Annie - But it's so beautiful. I bet happiness is there.

Kale - Yes, Annie. It is beautiful, but you have to be careful when it comes to the sea.

Annie - I'm tired of being careful, Kale. Tired of being.....

Kale couldn't help, but noticed the sadness in her voice.

Kale - But you have no choice. You have to keep fighting. Trust me, I learned it the hard way. I...I...

Kale swallowed hard as he thought of his dead parents and all those lonely nights he spent in orphanages.

Kale - I've been there before, but eventually... you'll find your way out; somehow... someway.

Annie - Kale, tell me the truth....

Kale - Yes?

Annie - Are you going to take me back to that place? Please... I'm not crazy... I swear I'm not! I didn't kill Jeffrey! I didn't.

Kale - Annie, if you didn't....

Kale was afraid to ask the question, because he was afraid of her answer.

Kale - If you didn't, then... who? Who did, Annie?

Annie sobbed loudly and hugged herself.

Annie - It was... It was.... Liezel!

Annie then hugged herself tighter, wishing that Jeffrey was still alive. She missed all the times when he'd cheered her up when her Mother would slap her or throw verbal punches at her.

Kale - But... Annie, why did Liezel kill him??

Annie - I..I.. don't want to talk about it anymore!

It was very cold, but Annie didn't noticed it until she hugged her self tighter and started to shiver. A wave of sympathy and care washed over Kale as he searched her beautiful face for more answers.

Come here... He grabbed Annie's waist and pulled her close to him, wrapping his strong arms around her. Her head landed right on his chest as he embraced her firmly, but gently. He could feel her shiver all over. She felt so warm in his embrace. The blood pumping through his veins on his hands were so warm against her skin. His body felt so good against hers as she rested on his chest and she could hear his heart beating. She relaxed against him as he held her like he never held anyone before. Somehow, Kale felt like he didn't want to let go. It felt so good; it felt so right.

Annie looked up from his chest into his face. The blue glow from the moon lit his handsome friendly face. She looked straight into his eyes as he looked into hers.

Kale, she uttered softly.

Yes, he answered.

Kiss me, Annie replied.

Instead of replying with words, Kale did as she said and kissed her on the lips. It felt so soft on his strong lips. He started off slow by pecking at her lips, and then he felt her yearning for more. Kale's lips sent shock waves down Annie's spine which ran down to her knees. She also felt lightheaded, but in a good way. Kale then began to suck at her lips as they kissed. Her lips tasted sweet like cherry flavored lollipops, so inticing and inviting, hoping that this never ended as he held her closer to him.

The blue moon shine over them as they tasted eachother's sweet sorrow.


Inside Kale's car, Liezel saw everything that just happened between Kale and Annie. She had been sitting in the backseat while watching them on the beach. She looked into the rearview mirror angrily. I won't let anyone hurt you, Annie!

ACT 13 coming up soon!



ahhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they kiss~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: oh, that crazy Leizel... see Leizel kill Jeffrey because of her craziness and jealousy....... <_<


Professional Lakorn Watcher
^^ LOL.... but is Liezel real? I dunno why, but I keep laughing out loud when you guys comment about Jeffrey, the dog. Like he's a human or something. :D :loool:


Professional Lakorn Watcher
I drew this picture a long time ago when I first had photoshop. (I used the mouse to draw, so that's why it's messy.)

I thought it kind of look like the kiss scene between Kale and Annie, because of the blueness and the glow surrounding them.



sarNie Adult
Ooo OOOOOOOOOOOO lol..sorry, loved it and they kissed muahhhh...MORE!!! ASAP!!!!!


Professional Lakorn Watcher
^^ yeah.. I could imagine Johnny Depp's sexy kisses. I love this man!!
I'm updating right now... but my eyes are feeling so heavy.. ..


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ACT 13

The night's end

After the long sweet kiss, Kale licked his lips to taste the sweetness that was left behind by Annie. He pulled her closer to him and held her while rubbing her back. Oh how it felt so good to be in his arms. She could stay like this forever. They looked at eachother and Kale gave her a boysish smile. He couldn't believe he just kiss her; the girl that spit in his face a few days ago! The girl that clawed at his arms back at the hospital. Was he doing the right thing? Where will he take this? His heart was beating so fast as she held on to his arm. For the very first time, she felt wanted; felt protected.

For a minute, he was lost in her big brown eyes, and then he realized that he had to get her home to a warm place. Kale took Annie's hand and led her to the car.

The road was empty and it appears to be free from cops as he cruised down the street. It was already passed midnight by the time they were heading home. Annie curled herself up and tried to keep warm inside his car. Kale glanced over to Annie and felt bad for not having heat in his car.

Kale - Ugh.. this old junk doesn't have heat. Sorry.

Annie - It's okay..

Kale - Well, there's a gas station and food mart up the road. I'll stop there and pick up something for you to eat.

Annie nodded.

The gas station was an empty, with the exception of the clerk.

Kale - Wait here okay? I'll be right back.

Annie smiled and nodded.

She watched Kale disappear into the store and sighed, still thinking about her kiss under the glistening moonlight. She smiled to herself and hugged her knees as she kept her gaze on Kale through the glass window.

Liezel - Take your head out of that nasty cloud, you silly girl!!

Annie was startled. She looked up and saw Liezel sitting in the backseat from the rearview mirror.

Annie - Liezel, uhh..uhh..where've you been?

Liezel - That's not important! I saw what you did!

Annie - Oh, Liezel! It was wonderful. Kale's so gently.. his kiss, it was

Liezel - Enough with that! We can't trust anyone. Not even your loverboy!

Annie - But, Liezel..why?

Liezel - Didn't I promised to protect you?

Annie - I know that, but you don't need to protect me from him. He's okay, Liezel.

Liezel - No, he's not okay!! If you don't adhere to my warnings, then you will regret it.

Annie - But...but..

Liezel - Listen to me, here's our chance to make a run for it Annie. Opened the door and run.

Annie - No! Where would we go?

Liezel - We'll find our way. Trust me, Loverboy is not your friend; I'm your sister and I'm your friend! C'mon, Annie. Let's go. Open that Goddamn door and run now!!

Annie - No!! I won't. We'll get caught! There are cops everywhere.

Liezel - Let's go, Annie!

Annie plugged her ears with her fingers, closed her eyes, and shook her head repeatedly.

Annie - No! Stop it. Stop it! Stop it!

Kale - Annie??!! Annie?? Are you okay? Annie, it's me.

Annie opened her eyes and quickly looked at the mirror. Liezel was gone.

Kale - Annie? What's wrong? I came back and you were yelling.

Annie - Uhh..

For the very first time, Annie was frightened of Liezel. She calmed her panting and reassured Kale that she was okay.

Kale - Uh...Annie? Was... was it, Liezel?

Annie thought to herself for a minute, and wondered why suddenly she was afraid to tell Kale about Liezel.

Annie - Oh...ahh, it was nothing. A mosquito was buzzing in my ear.

Kale - Oh... I hate it when that happens. But I've got food; hotdogs, sandwiches, chips, soups, and donuts. Take your pick.

He smiled at Annie playfully and started the car and off they went.

When they got to the apartment, Kale immediately went to his answering machine to see if the hospital had called him yet, but no call. There was only 1 missed call from Sasha. He played the voicemail while he set the food down on the table and started to put them on plates while Annie sat on the couch.

Voicemail message-

Hey Kale, it's me. I'm gonna be in town this weekend and I look forward to seeing you. Maybe we could do lunch or even dinner and hangout. Do a bit of catching up? Hehe.. I got lucky this weekend and I am free from my patients. So it's not Dr. Sasha okay? It's just Sasha. Alright then, handsome. See you in a jiffy. Bye... Oh hey... by the way, call me! That's what phones are for!

Annie - So your friend's a doctor?

Kale - A Pyschiatrist and a hypnotherapist.

Annie - What does a hypnotherapist do?

Kale - She uses hypnotism as part of her pychosis treatments for her patients.

Annie - Oh... so does this mean that you're going to get rid of me, so you could hang out with the hypnotherapist?

Kale - Annie..? No... ofcourse not. don't worry about that okay?

Annie - Then what are you going to do?

Kale - I'll have something figure out soon. But for now... we have to see what's-

Annie - What to do with me?

Kale - Well, the cops are looking for you. And your father is too... So I think, uhmm.. I think you should contact your father and tell him the truth. That you don't belong there.

Annie - It's not that simple.

Kale - Well, you won't know until you try. I happened to see your father at the hospital the other day and he looked worried sick. So maybe he'll listen to you.

Annie could hear Kale, but she wasn't listening. She was thinking about Liezel's words. Maybe she is right? Maybe she shouldn't trust him.

Kale - Okay, all done. Let me go wash up and I'll be back, and we can eat okay?

Annie was still lost in thought. Her body was tired from the day's events. She walked across town and ran into so many things, that all she wants to do now is sleep.

Kale - Annie?

Annie - Oh okay.

Kale disappeared into the bathroom. And a few minutes later, when he returned, he found Annie sound asleep on the couch. She was leaning her head on the arm rest of the couch and was hugging herself. She looked so peacefully resting that he didn't want to disturb her. Kale went to the kitchen and put away the food in the fridge and went to the bedroom and got a blanket for Annie. He returned with the blanket, covered her up, and stood before her and watched her sleep. He smiled at the sight of her and wonders what to do with her. Kale wanted so badly to help, but what to do? Should he call her father himself? Should he bring her back to the hospital, only for her own good? Or should he continue to harbour a mental patient that may be in danger of not getting the treatmeants she may need.

Kale ran his fingers through his hair as he watched her sleep. There was a piece of hair covering her eyes, so he brushed it away. And then, he bent down, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

Goodnight Annie, He whispered.

He grabbed a pillow and laid on the hard floor next to the couch by Annie. He supported his head with his arms and studied her face and thought of a solution. As he gazed at the sleepy beauty, his eyes began to feel heavy and he too fell asleep.


The next morning, Mr. Tinsley called the private investigator that he hired to look for his daughter. His face frowned showing all the lines on his forehead as he spoke on the phone.

Mr. Tinsley - You mean to tell me that she is no where to be found in this pathetic little town????!!!

PI - Sir, to be honest with you. I think that someone's helping Annie. With the cops in every corner and all the public broadcasting, she could have been found by now. So my gut feeling is telling me that, there must be a person who's helping your daughter.

Mr. Tinsley - I don't care what your gut tells you! Your job is to find her, you hear me!!!

PI - Yes sir, I'm working round the clock.

Mr. Tinsley - You should be, I'm not paying you to sit on your ass or to listen to your guts.

PI - Yes, Mr. Mayor.

Where are you, Annie!! He yelled.

Mr. Tinsley threw the phone across the room. He walked over to the door and locked it. Under his desk, he pressed a button and a hidden door opened behind a book shelve. He walked over to the safe, pulled out a yellow envelope and grinned. His favorite possesion was still safetly locked away. Mr. Tinsley shoved the envelope back into the safe and went down to breakfast.


When Annie woke up, she looked around the apartment and it was empty. No sign of Kale or Liezel yet again. She went to the bathroom and washed her face and then returned to the living room. She went to the sliding door and opened it and allowed the morning sun in. Annie gazed at the view before her and smiled at how beautiful the shore looked from up there, still remembering the kiss. She took a deep breath of the morning air and happily walked back into the living. She spotted the remote and decided to see what's on TV; her new found freedom is great. If only her Mother could see how happy she is now, that'll be a slap on the face for her mother.

Turn that filth off this instant, Annie!! Don't you know that these things are filled with nothing, but filth!! She shook of her mother's voice and turned on the TV. She flipped the channels, loving every minute of it. No nagging voice.. no slaps.. no locking her up in the den.

Then when the channels were switched to a local news broadcast, Annie's eyes widened as she saw her picture plaster on the screen.

News Broadcast -

Missing Psychiatric patient, Annie Rose Tinsley is still at large. She has been missing from Sea Side Psychiatric women's hospital going on 3 days now. The Police and her doctor say that she could may be very dangerous to others and especially herself, please use caution if you have seen her and immediately dial 911.

Annie shook her head in disbelief. Just when she turned the TV off, a loud knock on the door startled her. She began to panic, thinking it was the police. She scrambled around the apartment and searched for a place to hide.

Knock! Knock! Knock!




sarNie Oldmaid
wow that was some great update...

i have a feeling the person knockin is sasha!

k so im thinking that mrs Tinsley is sick herself..she might be a victim of a child abuse case.. so she is like doing the same to her daughter also?

and where the heck did kale went to..hes off for 3 days...and food is in the fridge..or is he out investigating?

k mr tinsley have some dark secrets too?? many hidden secrets but no keys to unlock any of it...


Professional Lakorn Watcher
another update..woohoo..will be back later to read it..muahhhhh
okay :D

yikes~!!!!!!!!!!!! where's Kale?
He's somewhere close by.

wow that was some great update...

i have a feeling the person knockin is sasha!

k so im thinking that mrs Tinsley is sick herself..she might be a victim of a child abuse case.. so she is like doing the same to her daughter also?

and where the heck did kale went to..hes off for 3 days...and food is in the fridge..or is he out investigating?

k mr tinsley have some dark secrets too?? many hidden secrets but no keys to unlock any of it...
Ami.. you should be an analyst. I love all your insights. :D