Save the Last Dance for Me in HMONG


sarNie Adult
OMG...I just watched the original of this tv series...and it was sooo GOOD...I didn't the anticipate the ending to be like that, but it shocked me...I love this tv series because it's soo romantic between Eugene and Ji Sung.....omg...I love it...I love how they are towards each other....overall, i really like the storyline because it's different from others I've seen...i thought it was cool that he fell in love with her when he had amnesia, and also fell in love with her in his real life too...sooo good...and, i must not forget, but Ji Sung is sooo HOT...I couldn't stop starring at him...sooo handsome, although, he seems to be skinner than in All In..either way he's HOT....I wanna see more of his tv series, but too bad cuz he's in the military for the next two years...


sarNie Egg
Hey people!! Even though I am Hmong, the Hmong dubbed versions of korean dramas are never as good as subtitled english versions!! I buy them off of E bay. Besides this, if you really don't want to buy it, you can go and watch it on for FREE!!!


sarNie Hatchling
i currently watching it the original ver... but i saw the hmong ver.... the first part... and i think that the original one is better... plus the voice for the hmong one... i heard it too many time... i don't really like the voice sooo.... i would recommend the original one.... i was hoping for hmong to translate the chinese one call... a prince turn into a frog... which the storyline is almost the same... but gues they not dubbing it....