since this thread is up again, i think i'll rant my behind off.
I dont see how Sawan Bieng could possibly beat JLR. Sawan Bieng was horrible from the start. i fastforwarded through 50% of it while i watched JLR 5 times. My expectation of Sawan Bieng was very high and it was definitely a let-down. JLR started out at zero from my list and now its my fave lakorn \. I like how everything in JLR is less extreme than Sawan bieng.... which is wayyy tooo dramatic for my taste. i still love anne+ken... but i hope they do release lakorns with more qualities next time.
It's funny how you said that Sawan Bieng was horrible from the start because that's exactly how i felt about JLR! I seriously skipped the majority... actually i started watching it from epi 8 on. that's how ehh... i was with the lakorn. Aff's screaming voice really annoyed me, never been annoyed of another person's screaming before until Aff. I mean, i like JLR, but it just didn't catch my attention.
Sawan Bieng, on the othe hand, blew my mind from the start, from the characters to the plot, it was just amazing. I love the drama in it & all the corny, cheesy things that Kawee did for narin. I think that it was a perfect lakorn.
Everybody has their opinion about what lakorn is better, some people like the whole chasing, lost in the woods together type of lakorns & others like the dramatic, full of rawr scenes. Not every lakorn will please people. I love Sawan Bieng because of all the twists it has & ken's agressiveness. It was worth the watch! ^_^