^oooh you will leave for thailand? lucky you! i wish i can go but i have school during summer... yeah i'm a hardcore college student. O__________O;;
of course i will fill it out anything related to this show since it's having andy in it.. if there's non-shinhwa episode, i will try my best to update it since i'm not that interested in others.

maybe thoyting would help you out... ^^
omg i just saw the today's episode...
guess whom hair!? :loool: YES IT'S REAL!

yeah he doesn't meant to pull someone's hair out ... lmao i wonder this person actually feels hurt? :huh:
credits: SHCJ for video + kitkat for cap/uploading
omg it's already funny! it's way better than first two episodes.. so watch this 3rd episode, people!!!
dang i can't believe i finished it already! i love everything about this episode.. you won't be so disappointed in this! =D
- yes or no part is so much shocking but funny!
- wrestling/escape ring is :loool:
- wooden stick ... 5th seat is CURSED!

also first game is hilarious... where they have to say in english for B words. hehe
so far, ayumi and hwayboi are the favorites on the show... PJA looks bitch.

maybee is hella boring.. why should she be on show if she's doing nothing. <_< as for guys, well of couse SJH and KJM... i'm kinda sad when there's not much on andy but he still shows his cuteness. =P even brian and LSG...
i just saw the preview of the couples... mmm i don't want to spoil it until you guys see it first. =)
-2nd edited-
damned it! there's 700MB version... so i have to d/l it again.. to get rid of 877MB episode. O.O
lookie here.. his NEW haircut! :loool: plus his nerdy outfit... gosh when i saw him in the old shows... dang i actually thought he was a guy from goong's yul! O_____O
credits: SHCJ for video + kitkat for cap/uploading