hey i found a translation for season 01 episode 01 with kim jung eun. but only eric's part... now i can see why he won girls' heart easily. hehe here's goes:
This translated Eric with Kim Jung Eun in heart battle
HD= Ho Dong, ER= Eric, JE= Jung Eun, JH= Jung Hwan, DW= Dongwan, Bul Sae= "Firebird" [Eric's drama], All= KHD, Shinhwa, and audience
HD : she's experiencing the higest & lowest quality at the same time~!
ER : do you know your eyes are very beautiful?
JE : um..people sometimes say that, so i'm very thankful.
ER : can i look at your eyes more closely? can you smile just once?
젨젨 i have to check my heartbeating..befor you, i'm so tense. you're very attractive.
(from now on, JH says what eric said in Bul sae.)
ER : can i get your hand? (says japanese line in a japanese movie)
JE : i don't know what you mean.
ER : it means "i won't die because i love you"
ER :
(say his line in bul sae)
젨젨 Jung eun ssi, you know why korean war happened?
JH : it's because the north army invaded.
ER : ohhhhhh, please~~~~
젨젨 it's because you're relieved..i'm too tense to tell you now..so i'll put this on your hand.(i love you)
all : oooooh
DW : i just found out eric's new character now. eric tends to be too greasy.
ER : even though you don't love me now, can you say "i love you eric?"
JE : i love you eric.
ER : it would be great if it was true..
credit: shinhwajj
i finally d/led HQ version, han kyung is funny and yet cute! but i still am not super junior fans.

i like the part where he MC in chinese... so hilarious! :loool: oh you konw CSW, he's sorta boring..........

as for hee chul, man he still looks soo gay but he's funny as well, you can see that han kyung and hee chul are more attentive compare to CSW. :mellow: overall, this episode is good because han kyung made it better show.
-2nd edited-
hey there's sub for andy's 1st episode out! it can be sync in both LQ and HQ. =]