Seu Ruk Chuck Yai Olaworn (Broadcast)


SarNie Adult
i used to like aont alot but after the sex scandal...seeing that position pics kind of turn me off....not love him as much as before...


sarNie Juvenile
noon's wig really bothers me to the point that i can't wait this lakorn...n i love aon...


sarNie Coma
i didnt read the storyline but is aon really gonna rape noon. i actually think they do have chemistry in here.

tik k is still pretty but shes abit in the chubby side. i wanna see her in leading roles again but i dont think its gonna happen


STORY : noon ´s brother act by boy AF is a playboy, he has a daugther with his wife act by tick... tik know that her husband has much girls....Aon character names is Win, he and tick were friend in a same uni, and he love she....Noon wants Boy and tick back together, and thinks that Aon would like to have Tik as his girlsfrind again.

And do everything possible to Aon bad way.
Tik should not be like him anymore .

But somehow, the story come differently than Noon thinks.
She must marry Aon. because of what i don´t know
must watch episode 2-3


Mama Noy ♥️
Man, I wanna watch this lakorn but darn it my video store doesn't have it yet! :lmao: i guess I'll have to wait til next week.

I read Rape somewhere?! gasps :eek: really...?!?


I've been really hungry for comedy lakorns lately. I didn't consistently watch sapai looktung and it doesn't seem like I'll be consistent with this one either. And for whatever reason, I just don't like the forced kiss scenes.


Staff member
i'm waiting anxiously for the next episode ..
does this air for the weekend slot then, friday-sunday?


I looked Episode 2 at evenly and must say: It is condemned funny!

Noon and Aon, my God, how the two fit together!! The chemistry of the two tune both in the film and also in the normal life. Both are best ones of friends. If one the two looked at, how play, must one say and to believe, they are Winn and Dream!!

This drama is my Favourite drama now!! And I love Aon, how he plays his Charackter, simply super!!!
The scene, which to Noon off wanted to cut(Dream) Aon´s maleness , was mega FUNNY!!! I laughed!!!
All scenes, where by the two one plays, I love it!!! It´s wonderful to watches it on!!!

Hope after this drama that both have so a FUNNY film with each other,again .


Staff member
my favorite part, the little temple boy, Monky, calling Win's his dad, causing Dream to misunderstood it .. and then he use Monky to back him up when Dream kidnap him to cut of jr .. Lol