Sin City


sarNie Granny
oOoOOO so they will have to stay at rita's house heehee...oh goody :D

i wish you a nice thanksgiving too <3
aww it poured on you for me...i love the rain...and when is starts snowing too


sarNie Juvenile
oOoOOO so they will have to stay at rita's house heehee...oh goody :D

i wish you a nice thanksgiving too <3
aww it poured on you for me...i love the rain...and when is starts snowing too

Thanks, I like when it rains and snow but not pouring rain though. I was shopping with my boyfriend and it started to pour on us, making us run for cover. Hehehe but, I still had fun.


sarNie Juvenile
Ch.5 Enjoy

While leaving the office. Ken decided to finish his partner Paul at his house. While starting his car, it didn't turn on, he kick the damn car and curse a storm. Rita wishes she had a new partner but she didn't want to look like a diva, demanding a new partner. She decided she gonna put up with him, till she done with this assignment. Rita saw Ken kicking his car and when up to him, to see what the matter, which she didn't want to but it was her nature to be nice. Rita walk up to him.

Rita: Was wrong with car?
Ken: My car won't start can you see that. Awww WFT this day sucks.
Rita: (getting really mad) I was trying to be nice, you should have a chill pill.
Ken:(he knew he was wrong) Okay sorry, can you give me ride to my friend home.
Rita: Fine, you drive since I don't know where your friend house is, rolling her eyes.
Ken: Fine with me.

They got in the car and 15 minute later they arrive at Paul home. They got out of the car and Ken notice they had company seeing a car in there drive way. Rita fallow Ken like a little girl fallowing there parent.
Ken: Hello anyone home?
Paul: We're in the living room, come join us.
Ken: okay

While entering the living, everyone notice he brought a girl with him. Paul and Benz wonder who the girl was, since Ken never brought a girl to there house after Ken wife die. Ken knew everyone was looking at Rita, who that girl and blah... blah... blah....
Ken: This is my new partner Rita till your better, and this is my partner Paul and his wife Benz. I don't know that guys is.
Rita: Nice to meet you all.

The guy turn around to see who Ken and Rita was. He kept staring at Rita. He couldn't believe it was her, he hasn't seen her till she move back to Thailand. Rita saw him and ran to give him a hug. Making everyone wonder what was going on. Ken kept thinking gosh she must be easy.

Benz: Rita you know Aum?
Aum and Rita: Yes with a smile on there faces.
Aum: We dated during high school.
Rita: Yeah we broke up after we finish college. He went to school in Paris, and I went off to the State.
Aum: I can't believe I would bump you here, I was going to surprise you at your home.
Rita: Yes I know!!!
Ken: So.... Paul are you feeling better?
Paul: Yeah the doctor told me that I be up and running in six month from now.
Ken: That good I can't wait for you to come back.
Rita: (she rolled her eyes at Ken) By the way, How do you guys know each other Aum.
Aum: Paul and I went to college together, and I heard he got injure when I got back. Rita I really miss you.
Rita: (she started to blush) I miss you to, we need to get together to talk about what have you been up to.
Benz: Ken and Rita you should stay for dinner to.
Ken: Ummm... Its okay, he didn't want to hear about Rita and this guy story.
Rita: KEN, if you want you can go home, I'm gonna stay and have dinner with them. Since they ask us to stay.
Ken: Damn it, he doesn't have a ride back home. Okay we stay for dinner.

Ken knew he just lost this battle with Rita. Rita sat right next to Aum. He was really feely toward her. Ken thought damn she such a slut. She problemly slept with every guy she meet. To Ken knowledge, Rita is planning to save herself for marriage. They all enjoy dinner and decided it was getting late. Rita gave Aum a hug and thanks Paul and Benz for having her for dinner. Ken just gave them a wave and walk to the car. Ken didn't talk to Rita on there way back to her house. The maid went to tell Rita that her parent left to Korea for a business/vacation trip. They told me to tell you, they won't be back for a month. Okay Rita said and turn around to tell Ken his new room is the same one he stay at. They both went there separated way.

To be continue...........

Spoil: Ken might tell what happen with his family.
Ken starts to build up feeling for Rita
Aum try to win Rita love again


Expired Sarnie
oOoOOO so they will have to stay at rita's house heehee...oh goody :D

i wish you a nice thanksgiving too <3
aww it poured on you for me...i love the rain...and when is starts snowing too
At my town it doesn't snow =( I love the snow. I love it when it rains too. I like to play in the rain! =) I don't get sick though like nang ek so I won't be having my pra'ek look after me lmao!

Great update! I have plenty of draggy scenes in all my fics. And me and you are not alone.

Woot woot when will the love start to flare! Ahahahaha!!!


sarNie Juvenile
At my town it doesn't snow =( I love the snow. I love it when it rains too. I like to play in the rain! =) I don't get sick though like nang ek so I won't be having my pra'ek look after me lmao!

Great update! I have plenty of draggy scenes in all my fics. And me and you are not alone.

Woot woot when will the love start to flare! Ahahahaha!!!

hahaha Your lucky I love the snow but not to much, I live in the New England area and we have every type of weather. About the love firing up, you just have to wait and see.


sarNie Granny
OOoooo Aum enters into here..trying to win rita back GASP...

hmmm i just like to watch the snow fall, not shoveling snow though lol

ok so i made a poster for's one of my better posters...but still needs work...well i hope you like it

hmmm i didn't all the characters..but just put some of them on there :D


Expired Sarnie
RR another great one! Rita is so hot on the cover!!!


sarNie Juvenile
Thanks RR I really love the poster you made for me. You don't have to trouble yourself. But thanks again. I'm the same way, I love when it snows but hate to shovel, But I love it when it snows on Christmas eve, it make my Christmas even better. LOL


Expired Sarnie
Thanks I really love the poster you made for me. You don't have to trouble yourself. But thanks again. I'm the same way, I love when it snows but hate to shovel, But I love it when it snows on Christmas eve, it make my Christmas even better. LOL
It never snow where I live =( I have to drive up north for me to see snow. Actually it snowed once but I wasn't born then. It was like a miracle =) ahahahaha!


sarNie Granny
i'm glad you both like it...^^ it's not a lot of helps me get better on my skills on photoshop....

awww....maybe you will get a thanksgiving miracle or a christmas miracle and it will snow there....
lol one time we didn't get any snow in december, but got it in like feburary and one time in may


sarNie Juvenile

Enjoy, I will post more chapter later, I'm gonna start on Helping Hand for a little a bit.

Rita kept thinking about Aum. Do I still love him? She wasn't sure what she felt about him. Ken couldn't stop thinking about Num. How am I gonna get you? They didn't sleep till late in the night. Ken woke up with a nightmare of his lovely wife and son dying in front of his eyes. Rita woke up later then she normally do.

They both went downstairs to eat breakfast. They just sat across from each other not speaking a word.
Rita cell phone started to ring....ring....ring....
Rita pick up with an unknown number.

Rita: Hi, this is Rita, who am I speaking to..
?: He started to laugh, you forgot me already its Num
Rita: Num

Ken look up at Rita when he heard the name Num. That bastard works fasts. I wonder what Num wanted to talk to her for.

Num: laughed you sound surprise that me
Rita: I didn't think you're gonna call me.
Num: Why wouldn't I, I couldn't stop thinking about you all day long.
Rita: (she blush) stop lying
Num: I'm not, do want to have dinner tonight.
Rita: umm.... sure okay dinner tonight.
Num: okay then, I meet you there at the restaurant, goodbye beautiful
Rita: Bye
Ken: Who that, knowing who it was.
Rita: Num, why?
Ken: I just wanted to know, what the plan then
Rita: I'm having dinner tonight with him and your gonna post as my bodyguard.
Ken: Fine then

Rita phone ring.....ring.....ring... She pick up the phone thinking, aww it that damn guy again Num. Ken thought Num called again.

Rita: Hi, this is Rita.
?: Hey Rita its me Aum
Rita: Aum, her heart started to beat faster hearing him saying her name.
Aum: Hey Rita, are you free tonight?
Rita: (crap) I can't tonight but I'm free tomorrow.
Aum: sighted Okay.... want to go to the movie and dinner after.
Rita: umm sure I can't wait then.

They both hung up saying there goodbye. Ken was thinking gosh was a slut, having two guys at once. Why do I care about her? Snap out of this, you hate her, she pointless and a slut also. Rita couldn't stop smiling after she hung up the phone with Aum. Ken wanted to go work out now since he wanted to get away from his mind. Rita called out his name, Ken where are you going. I'm heading to the gym. Wait for me I want to go to and plus your car is still at the station right. Damn it she right. Fine hurry up then.

To be continue............



sarNie Juvenile
Ch.6 & 7

Rated R. :r-scene-pop-corn:

Enjoy, sorry I took a while to post this up.

They reach to the gym. Ken wanted to see how tough she was. He started to get warm up then Rita ask him if he doesn't mind in boxing with her. He was fined since he thought she can't fight. To hid knowledge Rita is top for her fighting skill also.

They got into the ring. Ken let Rita hit first. The first punch really hurt Ken. :arrg: He couldn't believe how powerful her punch was. He defended himself, he didn't want to hit back to hard since she was a girl. But, damn it really hurts. He was impress with her boxing skills. When they were done, Ken felt a little sore but act like it wasn't.

Rita: Ken, how are you feeling?
Ken: Good, where did you learn how to box like that.
Rita: chuckle, I learn how to defend myself cause of my family background. There were always people trying to do harm to me. So, my father hired the top defend school to teach me.
Ken: Oh I see. Lets get going. Don't you have to go meet Num.
Rita: I forgot about that. let get going


I don't know what to wear since I didn't feel like going anymore. I'm gonna take my time getting ready. Hmm... what should I wear. (looking thought her closet) She decided on a one shoulder white dress. It was a simple dress that hits to the floor. Gosh I have forgotten about this dress.


He couldn't believe he gonna be in the same room as his enemy. I can't wait to get you. Aww I don't know what to wear. I guest I'm gonna wear this black pants with the gray sweater. Fuck I can't wait to get Num. I should go downstairs to meet Rita. Damn Rita is not down yet.

While waiting for Rita. She came down fifthteen minute later. When walking down the stairs she notice that was sleeping on the sofa waiting for her. She walk up to him to wake him up.

Rita: Ken wake up.
Ken: What oh

Ken open his eyes and thought he saw his lovely wife. But, he rube his eyes to make sure. It was only Rita. He thought she look so much like his wife. He saw want she was wearing and thought that why she looks so much like her. That looks like the same wedding dress she wore when they got marry. Rita was watching Ken light up when he woke up but it disappear.

Rita: Ken lets go
Ken: Oh... yeah... okay. He thought that there something about Rita that make him think about his wife.

While on the drive to the restaurant. Ken would sneak to look at the rear mirror. He keep seeing his wife in her. Rita notice it but ingore it. She thought he was going crazy.

They reach to the restaurant. Num was waiting for Rita. He saw her and got up. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was.

Num: You made it, I thought you cancel on me.
Rita: giggle, How could I.
Num: Good, he pull the seat for her. So who the guy next to you.
Rita: Thats Josh(which was Ken) my bodyguard that my father hired.
Num: Okay, he can sit on the next table with my bodyguard.

They talk for a while. Rita thought gosh kill me now, he so fucking boring with his lame story. Ken could tell she was bored cause she kept wondering her eyes.

Then Num phone rang, he pick it up and excuse himself to speak to him client. He came back telling Rita he sorry he has to leave since there was a problem at his company, which was having trouble with his cocaine process in making it. He told her he gonna make it up for her and dinner is on her and he told the waiter to put in on his credit card. He left her with Ken.

Rita was hungry, so she called Ken to sit with her. He came over.

Rita: Ken I mean Josh, hahaha order anything you want its on him.
Ken: Fine

The waiter came to the table to get there orders

Waiter: What would you like? Starting with her then you sir.
Rita: Can I have the steak dinner well done please. Can I have red wine with that.
Waiter: Sure, what about you sir?
Ken: Can I have the steak dinner to, medium rare. Also can I have scotch.
Waiter: sure

The waiter left and came back with the drink first. Rita took a sip of her wine. She saw Ken drank the scotch down in on one gulp. She was wounderig what up with Ken. He seem away from his mind.

Rita: Ken slow down with the drink, we haven't got our dinner yet
Ken: Don't worry I can handle it. He snap at her
Rita: Gosh

The waiter came with the food.

Ken: Miss, can I have two more scotch.
Waiter: oh sure. She left to bar to get more drinks for him
Rita: Ken your gonna get drunk
Ken: Rita just mind you own business.
Rita: FINE

The waiter came back with Ken drinks. Ken gulp his drink again. Rita look at him, he only took three bit from his steak. She was worry so she told him and its getting late and they should leave. They left the restaurant. Rita was worry so she decided to drive.

When they reach to her house. Ken went to the mini bar and he grab more alcohol to drink. Rita sat there seeing him drinking himself to death. So she stop him. He was pretty drunk. He couldn't walk up to his room. She decided to help him. She laid him on his bed and went to get a wash clothes cause he was sweating badly.

When she came back with the wash clothes, she started to wipe him. Ken thought Rita was his wife. He pull her down to the bed with her. He was strong and she try her best to get herself free.

Rita: Ken let me go
Ken: I miss you so much, don't leave me
Rita: I don't know who your talking about but I'm not that person
Ken: ANNE, ANNE, I'm glad you here by my side again
Rita: She wonder who Anne. Ken let me go

Ken kiss her before she can break free. He was on top of her. Ripping off her dress and undergarment. She thought omg I'm naked, someone help me. She was yelling at him to get off, but he didn't. He kiss down her body. He started to undress himself exposing himself making he gasp. It was her first time seeing a man part. She try to leave but he kept pinning her down.

He went to kiss her breast making her shiver inside. Ken kept saying Anne I miss your body. He reach took his hand running down her expose leg. She was crying went he put his hand down her private part. He couldn't help himself thinking it was his wife Anne. Then he took his private part into hers with a force. It made her cry with pain, it hurt since she was a virgin. He started to thrust into her faster and faster. She could feel that she was bleeding a little. It made Rita cry thinking she can't get in back. Ken was finally done and collapse next to her holding her tight in his arm. Rita kept crying all night she couldn't move since he was holding her tight. She was also in pain and couldn't move.

To be continue...........



sarNie Granny
heehee ken knows now that rita can fight :D

=O ken thought rita was ann..and he *ahem* her...*mouth drops.....


sarNie Juvenile
Ch 8

The next morning.....

Ken woke up with a bad headache. He wonder why he was naked. He turn to see Rita laying next to him naked also in his bed. He thought of what happen last night, he recall thinking he was making love to his wife Anne. OMG he thought I rape her. He look at her seeing her asleep with dry tear. He couldn't believe he did this to her even he wasn't really found of her. It made him crazy that he RAPE her. He went to look for some clothes to put on and notice her torn dress and undergarment laying right next to her. He was staring at her.

She woke up later and saw him looking at her. She started to crying, screaming you rape me and took my virginity. She wanted to get up and run but she couldn't she was in so much pain. Then she got her strength and try to stand up and Ken went to her trying to help her up and notice there were blood stain on the bedsheets. She push him away and ran out.


OMG I rape her and I can't believe she was still a virgin. What got into me? (he knew he was ruff with her cause there wouldn't be that much blood stain) I hurted her.


I can't believe I got rape last night. I want to kill him. What am I gonna do, no one will love me. I feel dirty, I need to shower to wash it all away.

Ken was so worry about Rita. He wanted to take responsible for want he did to her. He thought to himself, Anne what am I gonna do. He decided to check on her.


Ken: We need to talk
Rita: No, I don't want to see you.

Ken try to open the door and to his surprise it wasn't lock so he came in.

Rita: Leave (tear coming down her face)
Ken: I'm sorry I didn't mean to.
Rita: YOU didn't mean to, you took it
Ken: Rita I will take resolvability
Rita: Don't, I hate you
Ken: Rita please listen to me, I really didn't mean to I thought you were Anne

He went to go sit next to her on her bed. He felt that she was scare for the first time next to him.

Rita: Who Anne? (still crying)
Ken: She my wife
Rita: You have a wife and still did this to me
Ken: I do, but she no longer with me along with my son also
Rita: What do you mean no longer here along with your son
Ken: You remember when you first saw Num with me at the night club. I wanted to kill him and last night it made it even worse when I see him smiling.
Rita: So you want to kill Num why
Ken: Rita he killed my wife and son in front of me. You think I'm heartless but I'm not I use my anger to suppress my sorrow.
Rita: she gasp what he killed them in front of you. (she stop crying now)
Ken: Yes, that why when I saw you wearing that white dress. You look so much like her the night we got marry, she wore a dress like yours.
Rita: You thought I was her
Ken: Yes, and when I saw Num yesterday acting like he god. It got me mad and sad at the same time, it made me drink
Rita: Oh Ken I'm sorry that your family got murder cause of Num.
Ken: I should be sorry and I will take responsibility for you
Rita: (she put her hand on his) Ken, you shouldn't you don't love me and I don't want to force you. And Ken I will help you get him
Ken: Thanks Rita

He went to hug her, there something inside of him that made him think. I think I'm started to like her. I hurt her and she still willing to help in getting Num. Rita was still sad she no longer a virgin but felt sad for Ken.

To be continue.....


sarNie Juvenile

Enjoy!!! A short chapter.

Ken left Rita sleeping and decided to make amend with her. Rita was still in a little pain but she feels a lot better. She couldn't believe he witness his wife and son being kill in front of him. She feels like she still not sure if she will never forgive him for taking away her virginities.

She finally woke up. It was 6pm, she became hungry so she went downstairs to get something to eat. She smell something good coming from the kitchen. She saw Ken cooking.

Rita: What are you making?
Ken: Oh you waken up, I'm making some Italian food. Do you like Italian?
Rita: Umm yes I haven't since I came back from America.
Ken: Good, Have a seat its almost done

Rita went to have a seat. Ken brought her plate. He sat across from her. Then someone rang the door bell. So the maid when to open it. Hi is miss Rita there. The maid told him she eating at the kitchen with her guest. Thats good.

Rita wonder who was at the door till she heard his voice behind her.

Rita: Aum, what are you doing here?
Aum: I thought something happen to you, your suppose to have dinner with me.
Rita: OMG I forgot. Would you like some.
Aum: Sure

Ken was kinda jealous now. He wanted to be alone with Rita to talk about him and her. He was just staring at them.

Rita felt Ken looking at her. But, she ignore it and went on talking to Aum. They tal throughout dinner ignoring Ken being present. Aum needed to leave since its getting dark. So Rita offer to walk him to his car. Ken was looking though the window as Rita walk Aum to his car. Then Aum gave Rita a hug. Making Ken jealous and he wanted to tell Aum, that Rita belong to him.

Ken decided to talk to Rita about him taking responsible. Rita came in the house fifteen minute later.

Ken: Rita!! Can we talk
Rita: Ummm.... sssure
Ken: I think after the case is finish. I think we should get marry
Rita: Ken, we don't love each other and plus I don't want to force you
Ken: Trust me Rita I want to do the right thing here
Rita: Ken, I don't know let see
Ken: Okay then

TO be continue.......


sarNie Juvenile
P.S. I'm gonna post more chapter for this story on the weekend now. I kinda have a writer block on this story. But I'm planning to finish this before Christmas for who ever like this Fanfic story.



Who will Rita choose?
Aum -The xboyfriend, who she kinda still love
Num- Not likely since she want him dead
Ken- the man who took everything from her

Ken is falling harder for Rita, you wonder why right? You just have to wait and read about it later this weekend. Its gonna be good update. :yahoo: