Muddie Murda
Majority rules...
The current one wins...
We're keeping this skin. A banner will come soon!
I forgot to give my comments.
I reason why i chose that silver skin [scroll down] was because it was a neutral color. For both males and females.
The width was adjustable just like this current one.
I didn't want other skins that had small or 'fixed' width because I know some sarNies like to post huge pics and sometimes the sig of some ppl will ruin the skin's layout.
Since now we have a skin decided, a banner will soon come.
And the next skin will probably be made with our own hands lol. So it'd be more 'unique' from other boards. We were just in a hurry to get this forum looking "sarNie' so i didn't think we'd have time to make a skin.
and I forgot the rest! so byebye! ^_^
everyone else who didn't vote SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'ma go kill darvil now!
Example ------->
The current one wins...
We're keeping this skin. A banner will come soon!
I forgot to give my comments.
I reason why i chose that silver skin [scroll down] was because it was a neutral color. For both males and females.
The width was adjustable just like this current one.
I didn't want other skins that had small or 'fixed' width because I know some sarNies like to post huge pics and sometimes the sig of some ppl will ruin the skin's layout.
Since now we have a skin decided, a banner will soon come.
And the next skin will probably be made with our own hands lol. So it'd be more 'unique' from other boards. We were just in a hurry to get this forum looking "sarNie' so i didn't think we'd have time to make a skin.
and I forgot the rest! so byebye! ^_^
everyone else who didn't vote SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'ma go kill darvil now!

Example ------->