Something Hilarious;


Staff member
Ok so my hubby bought this beta a few week or months ago right.. well we decided to buy him a girlfriend a white beta .. a beauty it was.. well he tried breeding them, but no matter what they would not goo.. lol well anyways one day they aggressively fought.. when we put her in the tank with the male.. we were like uh oh took it out.. anyways .. we kept it in my tank for a while with my other fishy's the next thing you know about a month later 2 of my fish's die :( my redwag and the white beta... they were fighting! Im was so :( anyways we went to the store to pick up a new one a few weeks later (today) because I had a hard time getting over a fish dying on my watch. while we were there we learned some things about beta's and I turned to him and go. "you know what that white beta was a male." he was like how do you know? "Look it says right there pink caps are females and white caps are male" and also It look like a male cause only male beta have long long fins! female betas have short short fins..

he looks at me and goes, "oh no wonder the white beta didn't want to mate" LOL

I nearly droped dead laughing in the middle of the store lmao; the entire time he was trying to give his beta a boyfriend :loool:

:wub: I love the dumbarse LOL


Mama Noy ♥️
ohhh nooooo! poor fishy.... but you know what they sya... "there are plenty of other fishes in the sea!" hahaha.


Staff member
o_O Lol moh I was thinking about including this in a fanfic -.O lmao; im gonna include many things about the stupid things that happen between my hubby and i in a new fanfic after I fnished one of the two im writing :wub: LOL