Soot Saneha (Lakorn Thai)


sarNie Elites
awwwww i love willy and anne in mannee fah? lol the princess lakorn! gosh anne and willy have aged a bit! but they r still looking just fantastic. hhehee.


Staff member
waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh thanks for the pixs hehe.. lol.. gosh i love the look on anne's face lol..

awwwwwe ken n anne are so kute in those pixs ^_^...


sarNie Adult
yeah!! The first scene!!! I can't wait!! I can already tell she will hate him from that first meeting!! :D :lol: I really hope there is a :baby-scene-pop-corn: !!!!!


sarNie Coma
pic from the first scene! by the way, Job Nithi is also in here and hes playin' as anne's cousin

check out ann's car in the lakorn. its hot!

credit to nineyibby @ pantip


Pei, isnt she the cute girl from Chakrit and noon from Pleang Paa Fah Lom Dao?? If so, shes real pretty but isee she has lines. She still pretty tho.

Is it just me or???Anne is My personal opinion is that the less make up she has on, the younger she looks and IS. From SB, she looked much younger when she was pregnant. no offense but im kinda tired of watching pregnant Lakorns. lol, because you already know whats gonna Happen..=].Their either gonna split up for a while and make up and get back together, or something interrupts them. oh well, -_- this is a bit different. im looking forward for this one. Ken looks so depressed and quite now. Busy as a dad maybe. Dont get too worked out, its only the first kid.^^


sarNie Oldmaid
aww i've been gone for so long *tears*

i'm so digging the lakorn so far....ahhh! i'm loving the snobbing Anne..yay!!!!
and Ken does look awfully quiet / soft-spoken / and patient juz the way i like it
YEAH! i have my nice Ken back no more Kavee and Koravic eheheh

thanx for all the picture and clips


Expired Sarnie
Kashie Rachen, Ittsara, and Watin are revived!!! YEAH!!!