This episode 12 and 13 made me very angry. One minute I'm laughing my ass off, then the next minute I'm crying, then I'm really pissed.
-Din needs to stop acting all big-head. Okay, I get that she looked down on your family, but quit being a wuss about it. If you love her, quit playing hard to get!
-When Lin asked Din to help her make cake or food for her wedding because she thought they were "friends" and he walked off, I was so angry! Then I was crying! Anne's crying was so real! No one can cry like her. The way she told Din how sorry she was for rating him was just unbearably sad. It got me all teary. And yet, Din just got in the car and drove off. Effin' pussy!
-Anne---------I can already see those bright, new days of you being a nang'rai [although I hope that's not anytime soon] because girl, you are crazy and hilarious! Anne was
super and I mean
SUPER PISSED! I could see the flames in her twitching eyes when she crushed Lek and Pupae's picture! The way Anne beat the crap out of Lek was just so funny and crazy! It reminded me of myself. haha. All the things she said to Lek while Din was trying to carry her out was just outrageous, funny, and insane! I loved her character. She is sweet, naive, and childish, but she is no fool. She has that character like "NO ONE MESSES WITH ME AND GETS AWAY!"

-Anne bribing that little girl with a "first-class" flight ticket to Disney World was just too funny! hahaha! Anne was so disgusted with her but in a funny-ass way! LOL!
-I can't believe Din rejected Lin! This is the first drama where I have seen the nang'ek confessed everything to the pra'ek and said she loves him! And yet was rejected! Din, you make me very angry in this drama. I understand that you don't want to be a replacement for Lek but you're the one thinking "HIGHLY" of yourself now! Not Lin! Lin has that "I'm the shit" character, but Din has that superior character that just makes him seem like a big ass.
-Previews for episode 14 seems so cute. Anne is just too cute in this drama!